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'What I did was not okay': Dogs, Beveridge issue statement over controversial press conference

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17th March, 2022
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The Western Bulldogs and Luke Beveridge have issued statements following the coach’s extraordinary press conference attack on journalist Tom Morris.

Amid calls for Beveridge to receive a significant fine and outrage from the footy media and public, Beveridge admitted to crossing the line, and apologised to Morris.

“My exchange with journalist Tom Morris overstepped the mark,” the statement reads.

“I want to apologise for my behaviour. I want to apologise to Tom Morris and all those present last night and to our members, supporters, partners and the wider football community.

“We have strong values at the Bulldogs that we all sign up to. They are values that I believe in and support and live.  My actions last night were not consistent with those values or the way we go about business as a football club, or I go about life as an individual.   

“I recognised that what I did was not okay. It was not representative of our club culture which is so special and means so much to me. While I was highly emotional in the moments after a difficult loss, it is no excuse to let those emotions spill over and get the better of me.”

Beveridge labelled Morris a ‘gutter journalist’ and attempted to expel him from the press conference, after he reported earlier in the week that star midfielder Lachie Hunter would be omitted from the team to face Melbourne in the AFL season opener.


In a bizarre twist, Hunter would be named when teams were initially lodged on Tuesday night, only to be demoted to medical sub in the hours before the game. He would then earn a reprieve when Jason Johannisen suffered an injury.

“As people would know, I am extremely passionate about, and protective of, our players and our people, and I always have their welfare and their best interests at heart,” Beveridge’s statement continues. 

Luke Beveridge

Bulldogs coach Luke Beveridge. (Photo by Dylan Burns/AFL Photos via Getty Images)

“I pride myself on being measured and thoughtful, however on this occasion I clearly didn’t handle it the way I should have, and I understand and accept that.

“The last thing I want is for my actions to reflect negatively on the Western Bulldogs Football Club and our culture.  As I’ve said many times, I want our members and supporters to be proud of their Club on and off the field and to be proud of the way we conduct ourselves at all times, and I’ll continue to strive for that.  

“I take accountability for my actions.  We will work through that as a club and I will focus on getting the best out of the team for the remainder of the season, and my energies will be centred on preparing our players for our next game against Carlton.”

Bulldogs president Kylie Watson-Wheeler also apologised to Morris, confirming she and CEO Ameet Bains had had discussions with Beveridge over his conduct.


“The Western Bulldogs Football Club cannot and does not condone senior coach Luke Beveridge’s handling of his post-game press conference exchange with Tom Morris last night,” her statement reads.

“The Club sincerely apologises to Tom for the incident. It is important to us that Tom is ok.

“Our CEO Ameet Bains and I have had extensive and frank discussions with Luke today. From the very beginning of those discussions this morning, Luke made clear that he understood his behaviour was inappropriate and he is deeply remorseful.

“Luke also understands that his conduct in the press conference was not reflective of the values of the Western Bulldogs and has shone a negative light on the Club. Everyone is entitled to a respectful workplace and we acknowledge the important and sometimes difficult job the football media have to do.

The Bulldogs will donate $20,000 to charity ‘Orygen’ in the aftermath of the incident. The AFL is yet to pass down sanctions.

Watson-Wheeler maintains the club will support Beveridge, and ‘provide Luke with the resources, guidance and support he needs to perform in his role at the highest level of professionalism’.
