The Roar
The Roar


The toilet circus has me outraged

All Black Aaron Smith has been suspended following controversy at an airport bathroom.
Roar Guru
6th October, 2016
4790 Reads

I am outraged.

No, I am not outraged about what Aaron Smith has done, a mistake many men have made though I certainly cannot condone his actions. He has been dropped and will face a hearing in due course and dare I say it, having to front up to his partner and family will be punishment enough and I would think far more difficult than running out at Durban this weekend.

No, I am not outraged because some people made it public, though one has to wonder why you would record such things, regardless of the personal involved, let alone wait until ‘the rhythmic tapping noises’ ceased.

I am not outraged on behalf of Weetbix packets image integrity or of the effect on all the children in the land to see a ‘role model’ has disappointed and shattered their hopes and dreams, though I do accept a degree of off-field conduct has to be maintained but while on that subject, how about pointing out all of the real sporting role models, those volunteers that sacrifice their time in an effort to organise our kids every Saturday, or those who organise to take time off work to coach those junior sides, all for nothing?

No, I am outraged over the unnecessary and ridiculous hype our media have paid to this story. Stories describing how disappointed many people are, to ‘celebrity’ opinion including our Prime Ministers (for goodness sake), to having employment specialists on call, video footage of the offending toilet, ex All Black wives describing the pitfalls of being involved with an All Black and so it went on. At one point the summary of the Rugby headlines on Stuff had eleven different takes on it!!


Highlanders' Aaron Smith celebrates his teams win over the Hurricanes

Look I get it, people are upset and it is a juicy bit of gossip to have a natter about. I was as guilty as the next person, engaging and enjoying some of the poor humour being bandied about.


But while many express their views on what is and should be morally acceptable, at exactly what point did we lose sight of showing the respect and thinking of the privacy of those who have truly been affected by this scandal, Smiths partner and family?

In our race to condemn, justify and dissect this issue in public, has there been any consideration of this or is it simply a case of, due to Smiths profile that ‘thems the breaks?’

Having elements of the media condone seeking out the partner and family members for comment is just pathetic. The audacity required to knock on his Mothers door seeking opinion is truly shocking and disappointing.

Are we as a society actually comfortable with that? Is this what we want from our media?

Frankly, it is pathetic and the whole circus reaction and playing out across the public court of opinion is incredibly disappointing and shameful. Where is the ‘moral outrage’ when it is truly needed?

Embarrassing New Zealand, it’s an outrage.

Just stop it and let them work through this issue in peace.
