The Roar
The Roar


Where have the V8 Supercars gone, again?

Roar Rookie
4th September, 2011
1126 Reads

For the motor­sport which is sup­pos­edly the most rapidly grow­ing, V8 Super­cars haven’t exactly been roar­ing into our liv­ing rooms too much in recent weeks or months.

Since the Townsville 400 on the sec­ond week­end in July, eight weeks ago, there has been only one event — the Ipswich 300 at the con­tro­ver­sial Queens­land Raceway.

Enough time to watch Colling­wood set their pre­mier­ship ambi­tions in motion, for Sebas­t­ian Vet­tel to just about wrap up the title and per­form the dreaded fin­ger salute (even allow­ing for For­mula One’s own month-long break) and to watch win­ter turn into autumn bliss.

And still there’s another two weeks to wait before on-track action at the season’s first enduro, at Phillip Island.

Then three more weeks of nothing until the crown­ing glory, the Bathurst 1000.

It is only fol­low­ing this that the series regains any con­sis­tency, with events every fort­night to round out the sea­son, but the ques­tion has to be asked, are we still interested?

It is extremely frus­trat­ing get­ting into a series, only to have a six-week break fol­lowed by a four-week break.

Removing the stand-­alone Queens­land event, the enduros and the intriguing Gold Coast 600, there will have been a thirteen-week hia­tus between sprint rounds.


That’s a quar­ter of a year.

You don’t see For­mula One going on break at the end of July, resum­ing at the end of August, then going on another hol­i­day until the start of October.

Fans abroad are hardly going to be endeared to a sport which sticks its ultra-attractive ten­ta­cles out, mak­ing a case for being the most enter­tain­ing motor­sport going around, and then dis­ap­pear­s for months at a time.

Thank­fully, with the impend­ing addi­tion of sev­eral inter­na­tional events in com­ing years, in line with Mark Skaife’s divi­sive Car of the Future, there will be no room to squeeze in a casual six-week snooze, but for now, it still isn’t good enough.

Enough crit­i­cism though. When the V8s actu­ally grace the track, they can­not be faulted, and surely we will not be dis­ap­pointed when they finally return in two weeks’ time.

Won­der what Skaifey has to say on the Chan­nel 7 intro about this one.
