The Roar
The Roar

Gran Gordini

Roar Rookie

Joined July 2016









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Nice read! I hope you get it right with my loved Jaguares. I just want to add that Mensa might not be getting many minutes this season, since Quesada prefer Mallia and Chocobares as replacements for De la fuente and Orlando. He will be mostly playing for “Ceibos” the Argentinian franchise that will compete in the brand new South American profesional league (SRL)

Super Rugby 2020 preview: South African conference

You wouldn’t know to look at me… but I’ve been reading roarers posts since the Jaguares joined the competition 4 years ago (I have a soft spot for yours and Nicolas Bishops ones). I’m just showing up now to say thank you… and because I wanted to celebrate rugby aswell.

Super Rugby history worth celebrating. Or I’d have thought so…

Well, at least in Argentina, you almost have to sell one of your kidneys in the black market to get enough money to purchase a ticket… and then you realise you are masochistic, because the Jaguares are having a debut season far below the expectations, and you know that you are probably paying to see your team losing at home. So, expensive tickets and bad results are the key here my friend (But you are right about the confusing calendar).

Highlanders secure Super finals spot
