The Roar
The Roar

adrian drumma

Roar Rookie

Joined April 2015









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Sorry folks but had this incident occurred inside or outside a club or bar the police would be charging him for assault. Just because someone gets up into your face it does not constitute the right to assault… very obvious Clarkson was not in danger and was almost at his hotel so more restraint on his part was required. As it was he attempted a King Hit or as we now call them “Coward Punch” and when that failed he grabbed the fellow by the neck. Now note the supporter did not at any time before or after attempt to hit Clarkson even after being assaulted. What was the excuse? Because he was a happy and intoxicated (very hard to say how much from the footage) stirrer. Australia is built on the image of the ‘Stirrer” right back to Dad n Dave and Chips Rafferty and Co. I suspect that much of this howling and baying is being done by mostly Hawk and the Fruit Tingles (Cows) supporters. I hope Clarkson is hauled up and made to account for his “Brain Snap” moment just as anyone else would be… He’s a football coach not some Demi-God.

Clarkson crisis turns AFL fans feral
