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Joined May 2010









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Fiji, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, NORWAY and a few others, so it definitely is growing.

I wouldn’t worry about what some have said here, they only come in stir the pot.

Unlocking rugby league's global footprint

Great article Matt S.

Unlocking rugby league's global footprint

Global game Ted, didn’t you know they stop in the streets to watch?

The NRL's expansion hinges on a TV deal

Swans have never had 80k watch them in Sydney at the ground, they can’t even get that in TV ratings.

The NRL's expansion hinges on a TV deal

Pity it’s small, better toss him back.

The NRL's expansion hinges on a TV deal

Shows what you know Dynamite.

22k at Hull on the weekend, big city.

22k at Wigan, part of Manchester.

15k at Leeds, another well known big city.

And then there was Bradford, but it’s only a village too huh?

Or how about your saints, liverpool, no ones heard of liverpool.

Salford, another Manchester side, never heard of manchester?

Tell me, what other Rugby comp on Earth besides the NRL gets near 2 million through its gates each season?

I’ll give to the answer, Super League.

The top 14 is close, but the SL gets more people ach year going to games.

As for Harequins RL, they are not propped up by the union side, they have their own backer and he is RL through and through as he had played the game for years. They shared the same ground and name, that’s all.

Watch out NRL, Super League is coming at you

All Aboard 🙂

Fantasic game last night

Hayne Train right on time as Eels fightback

Gallop mentioned in the paper yesterday that eventually he wants Perth and Adelaide so the NRL has a true national comp.

NRL expansion talk heats up, but where to?

Kotggs, do you have to mention this in every one of your posts about RL and Melbourne?

Change the tune.

$3.17 million over is hardly a Storm in a teacup

David, you are right and you are wrong, for every one of the mercenaries you mention, there would be 30 who take pay cuts to stay at their club with their mates.

Not all are mercenaries, but the ones that are make the news.

$3.17 million over is hardly a Storm in a teacup

I agree.

Will the Suns nickname light up the Gold Coast?

I’d take Cronk if he’s on the market 🙂

Other than that I don’t want the club to have its caracas picked over, just get under the cap and start again.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

Who would they be KOTGG’s?

lol mate, let it go.

The Back Page is a joke, but not a funny one

Silly name, what’s wrong with an animal?

Force, Storm, Power, Suns, all hopeless.

Will the Suns nickname light up the Gold Coast?

Offsiders is the worst “sports” show on TV, they may as well just call it ABC Aussie Rules.

The Back Page is a joke, but not a funny one

Mitch, no way should any team get more than others, it’s not right and I wouldn’t stand for it, if they can’t get a decent team on the park with the same money as everyone, too bad.

I’d hate to follow the AFL knowing other teams were geting a massive leg up while my team was stuck at the bottom of the pack for years only to start comming good and the League deciding to add 2 new teams and start it all again.

I’d be livid.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

Gibbo has given it to RL since his beloved bears were hibernated and that is a fact, he refuses to get on with life.

He never has anything nice to say about the game.

The Back Page is a joke, but not a funny one

Haven’t watched it much since Peter Frilingos died, the show just pumps AFL up non stop.

The Anderson guy from the AFL is pretty good actually, but without chippy, there’s no one there to stick up for RL when they all decide to bash it, so I stopped watching it.

As for Peter spit on everyone when i talk Fitzsimmons, he doesn’t even know much about his own sport.

I remember him years ago mentioning the French Rugby Union team being sponsored by a condom company, I knew he was wrong, but he raved and raved and raved having a good old laugh, when he finished Chippy chipped in and said, hey fitzy, that was the French Rugby League team mate.

He shut up, it wasn’t as funny anymore.

The Back Page is a joke, but not a funny one

As I said, put them all on the open market and start again, it’s only fair.

They’ll lose a few to other NRL teams and the ESL will def jump on board along with RU, but it’s the only way to move on and get them back to where they should be.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

You do realise they have not played 1 game at olympic park this season KOTGG’s?

That means they were getting these bigger crowds at the Dome before their stadium opened in April.

Another fail for you, what’s the next excuse?

Matter of fact, for them to be averaging this number still after all that has gone on says to me you should start eating your words now.

Is you day time job a goal post mover by chance?

Also KOTGG’s, the olympic park ground for RL only held around 15k because of the screen, so 12k in that is not bad, better than most RU/RL clubs world wide.

Melbourne Storm breach worse than first thought

The players can play where they like, they don’t have to go to any Union team.

The year is 2010, not 1940 Vichy France.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

Harlequins Rugby Union and Rugby League.

But that’s as far as it should go, year round Rugby with two codes helping with expenses with ground upkeep and all that, but no merger.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

Of course, so next time a RL fan goes into an AFL thread, we won’t hear you screaming blue murder then huh?

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

They need to let every Storm player go on the open market and then use their cap money to reassemble the team, it’s the only way to do it.

Storm directors sacked, players cleared

Mitch, France merged the codes in 1940, they played Rugby Union until the end of ww2 😉

Storm directors sacked, players cleared
