The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined November 2015







I believe in game development based on free market principles.



Arthur hasn't published any posts yet

What the rest of the football World has is merit-based market policy.

FIFA statutes

9 Principle of promotion and relegation
1. A Club’s entitlement to take part in a domestic league championship shall depend principally on sporting merit. A Club shall qualify for a domestic league championship by remaining in a certain division or by being promoted or relegated to another at the end of a season.
2. In addition to qualification on sporting merit, a Club’s participation in a domestic league championship may be subject to other criteria within the scope of the licensing procedure, whereby the emphasis is on sporting, infrastructural, administrative, legal and financial considerations. Licensing decisions must be able to be examined by the Member’s body of appeal.
3. Altering the legal form or company structure of a Club to facilitate its qualification on sporting merit and/or its receipt of a licence for a domestic league championship, to the detriment of the integrity of a sports competition, is prohibited. This includes, for example, changing the headquarters, changing the name or transferring stakeholdings between different Clubs. Prohibitive
decisions must be able to be examined by the Member’s body of appeal.
4. Each Member is responsible for deciding national issues, which may not be delegated to the Leagues. Each Confederation is responsible for deciding issues involving more than one Association concerning its own territory. FIFA is responsible for deciding international issues involving more than one Confederation.

Relegation will condemn the A-League to a second-division future

Nicholas if the process hasn’t started, in other words the regulatory structure for a second division and particiapation then it is never going to happen.

The current football market place created by FFA regulation has its limits. Part of those limits is that it brings excellence down to a common denominator. The football market place is also designed to inhibit growth of clubs outside the ALeague.
The issue you raise of imports shows that the key to success in the ALeague is making sure your 5 visa players are of the highest possible quality. Ready made players to make an assault on the titles.
Local players need time to develop, but they are not getting the opportunities in the ALeague as they cannot offer the player the game time necessary to mature into a senior player.
Hence the need for a second second tier that brings the best of the best.
Having129 NPL Senior teams with 2580 senior players does not offer the best environment for players to develop. In fact going back to the FFA regulatory systems the PPS works against long term player development.
If the second tier was 12 or 14 or 16 teams of 20 player squads then the effect will be to improve the standard and development of players in preparation for the next step.

Are some A-League clubs ignoring local talent?

Lets face its not that the FFA cant take on another project its that a second division is not on the FFA radar.

Are some A-League clubs ignoring local talent?

And yet Chelsea’s demise and Leicester’s ascension has re invgorated the EPL.

Small is the new big: Expansion is not a dirty word

in any other football environment these 5 clubs would be relegated replaced by better performing clubs.

Small is the new big: Expansion is not a dirty word
