The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined January 2012







MMA is all I'm about.



Ash hasn't published any posts yet

Im going to keep this simple.

He came in the HW Div at the right time as it was shallow and the top guys now were still coming up the ranks. His attraction from wrestling brought attention to him but that no way has anything to do with him as a “fighter”. PPV draw yes and but he was treated like a Japanese freakshow fighter. I heard someone call him the “white bob sapp” perfect haha.

Brock’s a great athlete but hes not and never will be a “fighter” he pretty much relied on intimidation and strength being so huge. He was a decorated wrestler but this is mma and you just cant shoot on someone, mma wrestling is a whole different ball park. See: John Fitch, Mark Munoz, Jacob Volkman ect..

Size and strength will only get you so far against technical/skillful fighters. His title road was hand picked for that but when he became champ he couldnt pick or chose who he fought. Hence 3 beatdowns.

Look I respect him for coming into the sport and giving it a go, winning a title. But he was just never a fighter simple. He maybe a “phenom” athlete but a “phenom” in the sport of mma, that your kidding yourself about.

Jones is a phenom, compare him to Brock? right, you cant.

Anyway im not great with words and this is just my opinion.

Lesnar thrashed, but should be defended

“he was a phenom” thats a joke right?

Lesnar thrashed, but should be defended
