The Roar
The Roar

B.A Sports

Joined November 2011







I would just be happy if we just had the on-field sport to talk about and non of the off-field junk got reported - but what can i say - its sucks you in!



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I think you will find he is trying to make one last million by giving a media outlet an exclusive deal.

This little leak is just his way of getting the media outlets to come knocking at his door and start bidding.

Does the world need a Lance Armstrong confession?

Do you have a list of Coaches salaries you could share with us?


Why I'm still not sold on Cronulla

Warren Ryan just regurgitates stats and often they are irrelevant, not to mention the “put you to sleep” tone he uses.

Morrow I like (except when he calls Dragons games). Some of their regional callers though like Gable (who is more a rugby man) and Stephenson (i think it is) up in Newcastle are poor.

I like the M’s call. Dan Ginaine does a good job. I hope they go with a new young play by play caller, not regurgitate someone old has been. It is bad enough they use Ray Warren during the week for is unintelligent rambling.

Triple M to rock rugby league in 2013

Porblem is many pain killers, like other medications including sleeping tablets are known to be addictive.

There are lots of stories in the US of players told to tak epain killer sin college, who became addicted to them and it has ruined their lives.

Why bother banning drugs in sport?

Will be interesting to see if they get the easy ride from officials they got last year with the new ref’s boss.

Souths lived off of penatlies that had them starting sets in the opp 20.

Souths in the footsteps of history


To take it a step further, it would make redundant all the messages about healthy eating, not just for athletes but for people in general. We will find society living poorly and expecting to take synthetic material to recitfy their poor diet and lifestyle.

Why bother banning drugs in sport?

Luke Lewis not a game breaker? Have the Panthers won a match in the last 5 years where he didn’t score or set up at least one try? Just because he can’t throw a 25m pass, or do a bannana kick, don’t discount him from his game breaking ability. He reads the game well, switches sides of the ruck to attack weaknesses and runs f’ing hard at holes.

Why I'm still not sold on Cronulla

I wouldn’t want to be the doctor who prescibed a performance enhanincg drug that a year, 5 years or 10 years later was shown to have a side effect that impacted on an athlete/former athletes health.

Sports like the NFL, NRL, AFL, Motor racing, horse racing etc are always taking steps to make thier sports safer, not because they care about their participants, but to cover their own butts. MD’s would want to do the same.

Why bother banning drugs in sport?

The last two SuperBowl winners have had 9-7 seasons, but have been white out at the right time of year. Seattle have won thier last 5, Washington their last 7 and seem to be the ones most likely to make a similar run.

Seattle v Green Bay would be a dream NFC title match up as it would tie off the whole debacle from week 3 which ultimatly saw the real ref’s return.

I think the Broncos are bluffing. Their three losses this season are to Atlanta, the Pats and the Texans. The only play-off teams they have beaten are Cinici and Baltimore who are irratic at best. Cruising along all year against KC and Oakland, hardly a good form guide. Its like watching a group 1 horse running at Gosford on a Tuesday then trying to bet on it in the Melbourne Cup the following week

The 49’ers are not as strong or consistent as they were last year and aren’t money to me.

I think the only team the Pats truely fear in the AFC is Baltimore just because of their recent history.

Pats, SeaHawks and GB are the most likely for me

NFL playoffs: contenders, pretenders and return to senders

I don’t think the “national team” arguement is the be all and end all.

You could make the arguement in the US that their soccer team is their only true national football team, but not even the most rabid fan would try and suggest it was bigger than the NFL.

Time for football to stop playing the victim

What about;

“Flo fleas West as Bears flame flickers in Perth”

Can you predict the rugby league headline acts in 2013?

“Tsunami hits coast of Alaska as the force of Dave Taylor’s fall to the sidewalk from the third floor of a Gold Coast high rise during a post match drinking binge, is felt around the world”

Can you predict the rugby league headline acts in 2013?

You are having a laugh
That is seriously the weakest argument, though probably unsurprisingly, i think i have ever seen in an online forum
So lets park the things from more than 10 years ago given that people do grow up over the course of a decade and look at all those examples you put forward
2005: Someone spits at him – perhaps your anger there is misdirected
2006 – He was right about Rebound Ace. How many tournaments are played on Rebound Ace or using the Rebound Ace technology now? Infact the Rebound Ace people now create their cushioned courts using the same technology as is used by the two companies, California Products and Decoturf who make the surface used at the Aus Open and US Open.
2008 – Hewitt smashes a racquet – whoooo what a bad boy a tennis player smashed a racquet – What an outrage!
2009 – he suggests women play 5 sets – WOW – What pratish behaviour! How dare he provide an opinion… oh an opinion that has been expressed by many over many years.

Is he perfect, no, but show me the person who is. Long and the short of it is, have you met the bloke? Assuming no, how can you tell me what this guy is like?

I’m off to get a haircut..

Lleyton Hewitt’s South Australian legacy

Doesn’t the act of “racial vilifcation” mean you are enciting others to hate someone based on race, nationality etc..?

This incident is alledged to have happened in 2008 and we all know John likes to make noise when ever he feels hard done by, so if he genuinlly thought he was discrimnated against, surely he would have amped up his campaign in 2008… or 20009… or 2010..?

AA vs Steffensen: Who's telling the truth?

You’ve nailed it.

Why I'm sceptical about Shane Watson as captain

You just embaressed yourself Brian. How is he a “prat”?

Alot of people didn’t like Lleyton’s agressive nature when he was a youngster, but now we would kill to see a little of the Hewitt tenacity in some of our better players.

Lleyton Hewitt’s South Australian legacy

If anyone hasn’t seen the new Eastern Plaza at Melbourne Park, you are missing out. This is now the premier sporting facility in Australia and the premier tennis facility in the world. It will make the Aussie Open bigger than ever, with more spectators and more to see and do than ever before.

Australian Open 2013 approaches

The Shoulder Charge rule is going to cause all sorts of problems. What commentators called shoulder charges last year were sometimes (as an example) missed timed tackles as a result of the ball carrier being at the denfece quicker than the tackler expected. I can see that being a problem.

The removal of the B.O.D in the rules, as seperate from the referee having to make his decision before sending it to the Video Ref I think is excellent. Now the video ref simply has to decide, “Do I think it is a try or not?” As for the ref having to make a decision, I think it will be ok. The ruling on the field gets over turned in the NFL all the time by the video review. People just have to learn to live with it, especially if it means getting the right decision. What I would prefer would be for the onfield ref’s to review the footage and make the decision themselves rather than a third person in the grandstand who isn’t even good enough to be a referee in the first place.

As for the Origin rules. They are better, but I still forsee problems. Like in a few years time when more Victorian kids start coming through and the Storm have on thier books a young 12 year old stud half, and (as an example) the QRL do a deal with the Storm to move his family to the Gold Coast for the summer and low and behold he becomes QLD eligible.

ARLC signs off with a bang for 2012 with host of rule improvements

A million a season – really? Do you have a source on that?

I know what the players do, I watch every game every week. But it is still a small market.

Was the game worse without SBW and Folau? No, but now you think a game where Nine clubs live in one city are going to be able to find $9million each and every year in Sydney alone when they haven’t been able to find this money before? Why are they going to do that, to watch Greg Inglis? They can do that when he plays 18 of his 24 games in Sydney anyway (if he plays 24 games)

Not going to happen.

NRL needs marquee player rule

“Self Policing”, what a good idea! That will solve the problem. Be sure to contact your State Police Commissioner with that idea. Will save your State Government millions in law and order costs.

Just as a rule of thumb, good practice usually dictates identifying the safety issue, doing a risk assesment and addressing issue as is required. In the case of a flare in a crowded space, is there the potential for serious physical harm? Yes, Can the risk be removed? Yes. Then remove it before it hurts someone.

Again, if someone loses an eye or worse, sues Stadium Management and their defence is “Oh we were just going to let them self police themselves” – how do you think that will go down in court…..

Scrutiny on the flare throwers in the media, too

Where are they getting this “Few million” from? What I am saying is if the elite guys now are getting paid $500-$600k per season, nobody is about to get paid double! Clubs are flat out getting a sponsors combined to pay $1million a year so where are they getting another million for a single player outside the cap they already struggle to fund?

These guys play infront of crowds of 15,000 people 24 times a year. On $500,000 that $20,000 per match – if they play every game. Or if you go by the philosphy of “you pay them to train and Sundays are free”, they still don’t actually do a 40 hour week. This isn’t the USA with 300,000,000 people, it is Australia, and more specifically the eastern sea board of Australia. The people they are entertaining is a dot in the ocean They get paid PLENTY already.

NRL needs marquee player rule

Ahhh Yes…. On what possible level does letting anybody, of any age walk into any part of a stadium with a potential weapon sound safe?

How are you going to monitor it? Check what is in every flare that comes in the ground? no.

How many are you going to let into the ground 5, 10 20, 100, 2,000? 2,000 flares in one section, what could possibly go wrong…..

If people are coming into the Stadium to sit specifically in the “Flares Only” area do you think they are really coming to watch the game? no, so why are they there?

How are you going to supervise it? the people you are supervising have flares (ie potential weapons) they can throw at you!

Good luck renewing your insurance policy if you are the Stadium Management

Scrutiny on the flare throwers in the media, too

No it won’t make anything more equal.

Take Melbourne for example. All you are doing is taking Billy Slater’s salary out of the cap and using it to top up Smith, Cronk and one or two others. They won’t be going any where else. Its not like a Marquee player will attract double that of non-marquee players, there isn’t the money available in the game to do this.

There is too much focus on these hand ful of elite guys and what they are getting paid. While it is not quanitifable, I would bet there are many more over paid players in the NRL than there are under paid players.

NRL needs marquee player rule


So are we talking about Ch 9 or all of the FTA media? I would say the other FTA media give the A-League a reasonable coverage in their news packages, proportionate to their interest in the general public. As interest grows, it will be in their best interest to increase coverage, but as it is at the moment Michael Beachamp might have played 150 A-League games, he may even have played the odd game for Australia, but to the mainstream general public, unless he rescues a dog from sinking boat, he won’t make news – and even then if it is a cute breed of dog, the dog will be of more interest. 🙂

Ch 9 – are the low end of the stick, not just for the A-League but all sports, certainly out of their NSW newsroom. Danny Weidler is their lead journo. Before joining Ch9 he was a muckraker, which was all he did. So when Nine employed him, they really showed their cards as to what level of integrity they were going for. This is the same network that employs Sam Newman, the same network who screwed over Stephanie Brantz but continues to employ Roz Kelly. The same network who screwed over long serving employee Andrew Voss who can call all their sports but they think people like Tim Gilbert and Wally Lewis are not only capable of reading news (which they can’t) but are capable of adding some sort of colour or insight to their big ticket NRL coverage. The same network who continue to employ high end citizens like Grant Hackett and people like Ian Chappell who nobody has said a positive word about since 1977.

That was a long way of saying, don’t tar all the main stream media with the same brush as Ch9.

Scrutiny on the flare throwers in the media, too


Well as long as all you need is “sand buckets”, why are we not giving these flares to children to play with in their kindergarten sand pit?!

Why don’t these people go to Surf Life Saving events and Golf tournaments where there are loads of buckets of sand – then it would be safe!

Scrutiny on the flare throwers in the media, too
