The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined March 2014









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As a Tasmanian born and breed with AFL I’ve come to loath it for its greediness to expand into western SYD while treating TAS with contempt. They’re happy to take our junior players to play for mainland clubs but have no loyalty to a state that truly loves AFL. NRL’s strength is in the north of the country and perhaps WA. The Storm v Broncos game in Hobart a couple of years ago attracted 13,000+ which was brilliant. People are interested in the Storm but Channel 9 don’t care about TAS. Tas gets nothing NRL when Wimbledon is being played and they don’t always show Origin live. If I want to see league I’ll have to move to NSW.

Sydney-centric approach is killing rugby league

I live on a pension in Hobart and am not going to fork out $50 a month on pay tv when NRL is only on for 6 months of the year.

Sydney-centric approach is killing rugby league

Perhaps the NRL can do something in conjunction with the Black Dog Institute (treated Andrew Johns I think), Beyond Blue and Mensline. The issues of players gambling is something that can also be addressed through a combined effort for player welfare that is done away from the clubs. It makes sense to look after a players mental health just as much as their physical health. Mental Health Awareness week could be as strongly promoted as the game dedicated to breast cancer. Mental health issues affect men and women and when a player is in trouble his parents, siblings, spouse, kids, friends, etc all worry about them and the problem becomes larger. I’d love to see the NRL working for mental health as it affects a huge percentage of the population. In my opinion it deserves more recognition than breast cancer.

What do we learn from the case of Ryan Tandy?

Can the match review committee do anything? Can they say they consider a player to have taken a dive and thereby shame them into not doing it again? I’d like to see players who dive penalised simply by their name being tarnished for such a low act.

Diving now prevalent in the NRL, not just football

Would it be possible to put a brief explanation could be put up on the big screen so fans can read it?

Transparency needed from video referees

Wonderful piece Barry Lloyd. I sometimes wonder why the video ref can’t hear the TV commentary as they seem to analyse it on field action far better than the ref who has no sound in his box

Smith to appoint Stephen Hawking as sole video referee

I was happy to see the Storm lose after they’d had a couple of lucky calls over past few weeks and perhaps are lucky to be as high on the ladder as they are. What goes around comes around perhaps??

Are the Storm a spent force?

Having read Nathan Brown’s article on playing less like the Storm can someone please clarify for me whether it’s the Storm that have been main initiators of types of tackles that lead to rule changes. Now it’s the lifting between legs (McKinnon) but didn’t Storm introduce wrestling, grapple tackle, chicken wing and cannonball. I find it disturbing if the Storm coaching team have been responsible for so many dangerous types of tackling but admit I’m no expert. It does make me wonder about the integrity of any person who would deliberately bring a type of tackle that hasn’t been tested out for all it’s ramifications in a simulator. Or is a tackle simulator going too far for player safety and reduction of injury?

NRL announce crackdown on lifting tackles
