The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined August 2014









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Yeah it’s all Tuipolotu’s fault.

What ails the All Blacks? Marginal pack decline

😂 😂

The All Blacks had their choice of diamonds and went with a rock

Fozzie’s tenure is just a continuation of regression from Shag’s era, which started in 2016.

The All Blacks had their choice of diamonds and went with a rock

Watching super rugby aotearoa scared them.

Pumas beat All Blacks for the first time

Hats off to the participating teams. Shame, the world champ has to sit out while national teams up north and south close off 2020 with some actions.

OFFICIAL: South Africa are out as Rugby Championship reverts to Tri-Nations for 2020

All unions are facing the same economic situation 👎 At least Argentina is going out of their way to honor their part of the deal.

Pumas are ready to bear their claws

Give credits to your countrymen Carlos. They have the guts to show up.

Pumas are ready to bear their claws

I saw another clip where the all blacks were singing the same song. But the wallabies sang it better.

How this year's Bledisloe resurrected our faith in rugby

I think the world champ will throw in the towel. They’d be in camp in Australia now if they have any intention of participating.

Waiting game continues as South Africa given more time to make Rugby Championship call

Looks like the all blacks are geared up for aerial pingpong with that back 3.

All Blacks go for both Barretts in Bledisloe 1 starting XV

They should look for a jumping prop (Pone?) since he’ll be taking up a prop’s position in the lineout.

Twiggy, here's your 2021 shopping list

Best game ever 👍

'Test of the Century' showed Wallabies greatness, says Mortlock

Appointing Stiles will be the chink in wallabies armor. A weak link. His stint at Reds was like Richard Graham 2.0 I hope Rennie gets a saffa (Jake White?) or kiwi fwds coach (Schmidt will be available in June 2020).

Wise choice: Scott Wisemantel new attack coach as Wallabies confirm multiple appointments

Bledisloe crossing the Tasman soon?

Ian Foster pips Scott Robertson to be named new All Blacks coach

Set piece and scoreboard go hand in hand.
I must’ve watched a different reds team under Stiles.

More assistants drawing close to joining Wallabies coaching team

A decent fwd pack can win super rugby comp. Stiles had a dismal record at the reds. They were not known for their fwd play under his coaching.

More assistants drawing close to joining Wallabies coaching team

Please no Nick Stiles as fwds coach. Bring in Andy Friend or retain Simon.

More assistants drawing close to joining Wallabies coaching team

It’ll be amusing if New Zealand rugby appoint Foster and RA appoint Rennie.

Jamie Joseph to stay on as Japanese rugby coach until 2023

BEEAASSST! Entered & exited the test arena destroying scrums. What a man.

"I've been blessed": 'Beast' Mtawarira bows out

You forgot winning the rugby championship and world cup in the same year.

Rugby retrospect: What is truer than true, debunked, or seen anew?

I miss the good ole days when world cup final go into extra time. 95 & 03 finals. Those were finals.

Who is the best World Cup winning team ever?

Should’ve appoint Bob, Rod & Sharpie.

Rugby Australia announce three-man panel to review Wallabies

Congratulations to Siya and the boks for a great victory.

Boks glory: A team of 57 million people beats 23 professionals

Hansen is just an average coach in charge of a great team. He didn’t achieve anything with Wales. Much of his success is owed to Wayne Smith and the shambles of saru and Wallabies rugby made him look good. Eddie wasn’t afraid of stepping down to a tier 2 team to create a miracle in Brighton. That’s the mark of a great coach. He out coached Hansen on Saturday. It was a no contest imo. I’d rank Eddie alongside sir Graham Henry as great thinkers of the game.

Eddie Jones has performed a coaching master class for the ages

Boks played conservatively. Rassie knows Faf and Wllie have high chance of gifting the game to Wales if they play helter skelter rugby. World cup is England’s to lose.

Top of the Boks: South Africa join England in World Cup Final
