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Ben Elvy

Roar Rookie

Joined March 2020









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Anything that shuts up Dane Coles is a good thing

'Cancel his citizenship!' PM weighs in, ABs 'gobsmacked', as Hansen explains why he's helping Wallabies

They’re not trying to win the world cup of training

Eddie was right about one thing in epic spray - the Wallabies must stop being reactive and accepting of mediocrity

Is it OK to say that game last night was heaps more engaging than the Matilda’s?
Don’t get me wrong, I really want the women’s team to win but the Blues v Dees game was infinitely more dynamic.

Footy Fix: Sure, they're fifth... but like it or not, the Blues are officially the best team in it

Probably not very good.
Has zero reflection on him as a player though.

'You have no control over some things': Hoops' bleak prophecy that played out in ruthless Eddie call - and what comes next

I don’t like it but I get it.
I almost feel like Eddie has written off this RWC and is focusing on the 2025 Lions Series and home RWC 2027.
If that’s it for Hoops, I can only add my utmost admiration and gratitude for his career.
For what it’s worth, I’d have him around the squad in France for mentorship and experience alone. Last thing we need is for another bloke out in the surf at Manly!

'You have no control over some things': Hoops' bleak prophecy that played out in ruthless Eddie call - and what comes next

Then you must add the clean-out from Barrett on Nick White where he put his finger to his lips, that was actually around the neck too.
Barrett has form.
Is that a yellow missed?

'Meat to the bones': Plenty to chew on for Wallabies fans after best performance of the year

Well Dean, it seems Christy was just priming us for the decision…

Comment: Jones should go bold and pick young halves against All Blacks for MCG Bledisloe

Personally Dean, I reckon Christy has rocks in his head.
Feels like throwing them to the lions.
Quaaaaaaade will be laughing if he doesn’t have to face the ABs this weekend.

Comment: Jones should go bold and pick young halves against All Blacks for MCG Bledisloe

“Fingers crossed the Wallabies give your blokes a good run this weekend”
I ruefully agree – but geez, I hate that we even have to think like this.
It will either be a 40+ drubbing – or we’ll eke out that win like we didn’t last year.

ANALYSIS: The game plan changes that have revived the All Blacks as a World Cup force

“In short, it feels like nothing has changed since the Rennie Era except the game is even less fun.”

So true Harry. Dave Rennie must be laughing at the recent Wallaby results.
Thus, to the annual way of ways, “it’s the hope that hurts most”.

They can only get better!

'Murderers’ row of confidence busters' awaiting Wallabies: The wider view of the task facing Eddie in France

Just leave it with Birmingham every 4 years…

'Incredibly embarrassing': Sports react as Vic government axes 2026 Comm Games hosting over $5 billion blowout

I would usually pick Samu & Hodge on the bench before anything else

Wallabies CONFIRMED: 10 changes with McReight in for Hoops, Eddie's bench gamble, Rebel's debut and Suli dropped

“The sporting experience in Aus has become very sanitised. That’s partly why many of us have migrated back to club footy I suspect.”
So very unfortunately true for international rugby Don.
How good is the club rugby experience?!

Fresh meat: Loftus Versfeld smells like an abattoir. Tom Hooper and co were skewered and thrown on the braai

Shhhhhhh, don’t let the buggers know!

Bazball is entertaining, hypocritical, enthralling, delusional, glorious, self-righteous ... and destined to fail in Ashes

I hope your articles are as much fun to write as they are to read Harry!

The Wallaby 15 should be more Burke than Folau: Eddie can win or lose the World Cup on his 'lone wolf' call

And I’ll raise you Stirling Mortlock

'Baryshnikov with a Kalashnikov': Perfect blend of poise and firepower that makes Wallaby one of the world's best 13s

I took some die-hard rugby union fans to their first game last night.
A score of 7-0 at quarter time was familiar territory for them.
Those 2 “ultra-harsh” 50’s in the final quarter was enough to make us leave early.
It was an awful game. Not a good way to win fans.

Footy Fix: Dour? Try desperate. The Saints aren't perfect, but you've got to respect their guts

As a bit of a fan-boy of Reece Hodge, based on that high level of versatility, is he potentially first picked – at least for the squad?

Australia has the world's best player in the 'death wish' position - but what happens if his hamstring pings?

Hi Ken (& others),
I certainly appreciate your well-considered and above all – respectful – responses.
Perhaps I clumsily itemised only a single major issue, rather than list the entire range of concerns.
Like many entities, I suspect Australia is going through a structural change. There will likely be be some good and some bad outcomes as part of this process, along with those that are happy and those that are not.
One comment from a politician from the NSW Coalition actually helped reinforce my view on this. On ANZAC Day he spoke at length about the service of indigenous soldiers who fought and died for Australia in both WW1 & WW2 – without even being recognised as citizens. His comment, “if that doesn’t give you a say in matters that affect you, then I don’t know what does.”
Pretty much brought the house down.

Rugby News: Ex-PM says RA has succumbed to 'moral blackmail' after 'regrettable' Voice stance revealed

Wow, I’m really stunned at the negativity towards the Voice.
Do yourselves a favour and read the Uluru Statement from the Heart. Also read some of the statistics on standards of living for Aboriginal people in Australia.
Then come and tell us why the Voice shouldn’t go ahead.

Rugby News: Ex-PM says RA has succumbed to 'moral blackmail' after 'regrettable' Voice stance revealed

… And they’ve had majority of a season under their belt to get moving.

Perception might be the most important thing as Super Rugby Pacific starts with a bang

Defence wins World Cups?

ANALYSIS: The three crucial positions Eddie and his rivals must get right to have any chance of winning the RWC

Hey Nick, I always look forward to your column each Wednesday – and as a massive fan myself – I particularly like your assessment of Reece Hodge;
Hodge can play a bit of 10, he has the physicality and directness of a centre, he can catch, tackle and owns the biggest boot in Australian rugby. You do not win 63 international caps in six different positions for nothing, even if the player himself continues to be cruelly under-rated in his own homeland.
Given many Australian players leave for foreign provinces or nations and seem to “improve”, I’d love to hear your thoughts on how Hodge might have been differently developed or utilised?

ANALYSIS: The three crucial positions Eddie and his rivals must get right to have any chance of winning the RWC

So. F@cking. True!

Is it better to have loved sport and lost than to never love sport at all? It's made me a terrible person

Glad to lot agree.
Those ABs were good enough not to need the help!

Law variations that will get Super Rugby Pacific moving – and one that won’t make any difference
