The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined March 2009









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As alluded to by Westy, the Parramatta forward pack have declined faster than Australia’s economy. The two-ref system only highlights how uncompetitive the Eels are up front – they were technically just as immobile last season. Now they resemble something of an elderly person on a tuned-up treadmill. Brett Finch’s exit is the result of a clueless club. Nathan Hindmarsh is a valuable asset to any team with his work rate and experience which can help filter in a new crop of young forwards – but he is no longer a match-winner. Daniel Anderson’s “take-no-prisoners approach” must be brought into question. How can Finch be expected to lead a pack of dinosaurs to victory? Especially with a relative winger outside him at pivot – ridiculous. I do not pretend to know the Eels’ roster intimately but I do watch every NRL game with an objective eye. Lately, what I see from the Parramatta club is pure desperation. But the buck stops with the forwards and the Eels don’t have them. Moi Moi needs to lift his minutes and Cayless’ current contact must be his last. Anderson would be wise to take a leaf out of Brian Smith’s book and re-shape his team by cutting players in the transfer window rather further disrupting a rudderless club. Finch is a well-respected member of the team and I’m positive that his sudden loss will be detrimental to moral. Steve says: “Trust me, it can. It can get much, much worse.” Bloody oath it can. And if Anderson isn’t careful he’ll be back on that coaching merry-go-round before he even gets a new roster to mould.

Parramatta's season at a turning point
