The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined August 2015









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I’ll correct you, AZ_RBB, because you’re wrong. Very wrong.

Freestyle snowboarding is not simply judged on who performs the best trick or who performs it first. How well a trick is performed is just as important (if not more so) as the difficulty or uniqueness of trick itself. Danny Davis’ switch methods were easily the most admired (by true snowboarders) out of pretty much everything performed in the lead-up to the Games. ‘Spin to win’ is (thankfully) becoming old news.

Oh, and only the truly clueless would even come close to considering White to be “the greatest snowboarder of all time”.

Snowboarding halfpipe at Sochi: What a disgrace!

No, it was not even close to being “the same for everyone”.

Snowboarding halfpipe at Sochi: What a disgrace!

Spot on, Jay. Same with DD in both his finals runs – the pipe just gave way underneath him. Uneven consistency in a pipe’s flat section is essentially the equivalent to ‘potholes’.

Snowboarding halfpipe at Sochi: What a disgrace!

The notion that the substandard pipe was somehow ‘a level playing field’ is ignorant at best. Better riders place higher demands on a pipe’s structural integrity, so they are the ones who are handicapped the most when it’s not up to their standards.

Snowboarding halfpipe at Sochi: What a disgrace!
