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The Roar

Clyde Monk

Roar Rookie

Joined November 2013









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‘Good will from the English public’.. I’ve never heard a more laughable suggestion in all my days. English sports fans wish nothing but failure and humiliation for Australian sportsmen and their supporters. That’s what makes the Ashes such a venomous and enjoyable contest.

The return of the 'Ugly Aussies'? Utter rubbish

It’s actually been a pretty dry week in and around Murrayfield with quite a bit of sunshine. Pretty chilly though. The mercury might nudge 3* by kickoff.

Wallabies side to face Scotland announced - four changes to the XV

Except that their sledging, bravado, bluffing, bullying and hedgehog tactics remain constant. Win lose or draw. Weird indeed you say!

As for the cricket team… the acquisition of these traits coincided suspiciously with the influx of South Africans into the team. So thats somewhat of a defence I guess.

SPIRO: Clarke must make Waugh to win back Ashes

Folks in the part of England I reside in have already written off the Aussies and expect another drubbing. They are cock-a-hoop at the prospect of ‘rubbing the convicts noses in it’ as they say. After 20 odd years without the urn they seem to have really taken to it of late. And well they should.
The smart money has got to be on the english. The Gabba test will be key imo. Limeys don’t necessarily enjoy the Gabba or the Wacca pitch for that matter. Aus will need to get ahead early in the series if they stand any chance because the MCG and SCG will definitely favour the pompous army.
One thing is for sure, there’ll be fireworks and bad blood.

The Ashes: who is your money on?

It appears to mostly work for the English rugby team though. So there may be a little more truth in it than your 1/100th offers FTR.

SPIRO: Clarke must make Waugh to win back Ashes

You must enjoy the shame then RoidRage.. Why else would you cheer for the Celts?

Centre ban rubs salt in Wallaby wounds as Betham gets SOS

Didn’t appear like an 8 week offence to me. He didn’t drop the player or drive him into the ground. Mahoney jumped up and got ready for a bit of slap and tickle too.
Adding a week as a disincentive is also a bit pointless imo.
Sadly, there will be far worse cases get less punishment in the future. Inconsistencies at IRB level will see to that. Still, it will give the youngster some time to think about it.

Wallaby Kuridrani banned for five weeks

In the immortal words of clint eastwood, conspicuous by his absence… ‘Where does this blind and unwarranted faith in Australia’s backs come from?’…… &
‘Ireland 21-3’…. Back to the spaghetti westerns for you ol’ cheese.

Wallabies out-graft Ireland in 32-15 win

Ahh yeah.. I know who Plumtree is. Listened to him speaking on BBC last night.

FYI.. BBC is the british broadcasting corporation.

As I said, they are all predicting an Irish victory. Don’t get your knickers in a twist ol’ chap.

Wallabies no longer clueless: Ireland

I didn’t mention the bookies Pot. I was talking about the media and it’s pundits. Like Keith Wood, Matt Dawson, Richard Hill, John Plumtree, Clive Woodward and many others ex professionals/coaches of their ilk here in the UK press. What they’re saying in Ireland itself I wouldn’t know. Don’t live there or listen to Irish radio. But since you mentioned it.. even the bookies have their reservations.

Wallabies no longer clueless: Ireland

All the media and the vast majority of pundits in the U.K are predicting an Ireland win, and with a good degree of certainty and comfort. Many are also chirping on about how the England pack will plunder an AB’s side ripe for the picking (where they get that idea is quite beyond me). Only the Bokke have outright favouritism against the Scots out of all the southern raiders.

In the words of Clint Eastwood… where does all this blind optimism in the English team come from? Last years anomaly?

The only pommy not brimming with confidence is Stuart Lancaster who is already making the excuses about how his team is without 4 Lions. On the whole though, there’ll be alot of money on the boys in white.

Wallabies no longer clueless: Ireland

Neither the Metoffice nor Accuweather have forecast any rain over the next 48 hours for Dublin. They are generally the best weather sites in this neck of the woods. Hasn’t been wet in Dublin all week. Cloudy and cool will be the order of the day. The ground might be a little bit soft, but otherwise pretty good conditions for footy.

Let’s Talk Rugby with Laurie Fisher

The Roos have to be very careful. Luckily Sheens has called for an end to any after match drinks because there are plenty of wannbee warriors in this part of the world who would love to goad the players and try to get a response in the hope of derailing the campaign. There is not much love for the colonies in this neck of the woods.
Slaters love tap was returned with a full punch which couldn’t even knock Billy off his feet. However it could have been very different if the random bloke could actually throw one.

Slater could be the luckiest man at Rugby League World Cup

The only thing lil’ Clint be riding is the Sybian in his dungeon when the lads come round.

They certainly don’t watch rugby when he’s on it.

Ireland set to crucify the Wallabies
