The Roar
The Roar

Dean - Surry Hills

Roar Pro

Joined July 2010







Laughter is the best medicine. A picture of me after meeting funnyman Peter Berner - taken at a Souths vs Rooster match in 2010.



I like your train of thought Mike – maybe extend it all the way to the 20 metre line. A rule like this would make the last tackle options more random. You’d see a lot more running of the ball on the last, and players desperate to keep it alive. Reminds me of teams who have to score after the siren has gone !

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

I’m with you Mike on the worth of a try from a kick.
I think the changeover rule/ or current zero tackle law for any dropped ball would actually increase the speed of play, especially considering that there would be no scrum to pack when a team regathers after spilling the pill – like the current knock-on rule.

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

In a previous article, I suggested removing the kick at goal if a try was scored from a kick, and I copped a hammering from Roarers for such profanity !
My personal opinion is that most footballers could perfect a high kick with less than one months training and practice.

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

There’s a lot to be said about the so-called perfectly weighted kick.
Currently it’s an area of 10 metres shy of the tryline – to 5 metres inside of it.
That’s a target area of about 15 metres, and one that most 16 year old boys would hit.

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

There’s another game called Rugby Union that has knock-ons.
What’s your point Shooshy ?

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

Ummmm. No

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

Ian – In some instances the man who catches the ball gets hammered within milliseconds by an opponent traveling at 30km an hour and weighing around 100 kilos. He has no chance to evade the hit, and is basically a sitting duck for punishment.
In other instances a fullback or winger takes a great catch a few metres out from their line and is smashed before they can react and is then driven backwards by a Sam Thaiday type who has never challenged for the ball to begin with. The result is a line drop-out for showcasing your skills. There’s clean possession with punishment in both scenarios.

Punish a dropped ball in rugby league

You list some excellent points 81paling. There are a multitude of wealthy individuals who would be prepared to be full or part owners of clubs that may rise to division one within a few seasons. Blokes like John Singleton would be licking their lips at the prospect.

There would also be no harm in starting the second division with a reduced number of teams and guarantees of at least one FTA game per week.

PNG was thrown amongst this mix for their massive potential to blood players into the NRL by playing on a weekly basis. Long term this would only strengthen the NRL competition, rather than diluting player talent.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

The NRL would have to be stringent in that you sign for a club – and NOT to a division.
No escape clauses etc.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

Adam – I think you’ve answered your own questions there with reference to Souths, their supporter base, their failures, and their complete absence for an entire season. If the club is strong enough then it will survive.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

Mark – If they’ve signed a binding contract the players would have to stick around when/ if relegated.
The NRL would have to ensure that players can’t run away from their obligations.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

Maybe Port Moresby can play their home games out of Darwin until this so-called unrest in the capital is brought under control.
Double Headers in Darwin twelve times per year to help save on production costs.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

Why would you need to get rid of the salary cap? There’s plenty of extra cash to pay players in both competitions with the new deal set to double from last time around.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

A few good points B.A Sports.
The advent of the National Broadband Network may change the level of the playing field. Major internet providers such as Optus will then become immediate targets to fund television coverage.
Your being a bit harsh on management – they’ve had a range of problems to overcome that have not been presented to other codes.
There are players galore itching to have a crack at first grade – especially in QLD, NZ, and the PI. All they need are a few of the older blokes around them for mentoring and they will blossom into stars.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

I can see it being watched by a larger TV audience than the A-League soccer – especially a few years after its employment.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

The current revenue stream is about to double – thanks to what looks like a 1 billion dollar plus payday for the NRL.

Could relegation work in an expanded NRL competition?

Would you want to turn up on a Monday night, with work the next day, broke from a massive weekend of partying and still suffering the effects of alcohol poisoning ? Especially after a long day at work, when the game is live on Foxtel and it’s wet outside?
What methods would you use to bring crowds in on a Monday night ? What audiance would you target at the turnstyles?
What venue/s would be best suited for Monday night games?
Would you delay Monday night games on Foxtel by an hour, in a bid to boost crowd numbers?

NRL expansion plans on hold until 2015

10 starters from QLD – those rose colured glasses have been getting the Oz team in trouble for a while.
I can’t believe that you’ve failed to list Beau Scott – he’s a defensive enforcer, who’s second to none in my books.

An Aussie team that can beat the Kiwis

What a sham – what a scam.
Three tries, that could have gone the other way, but Gene Miles up in video refs box see’s that they don’t.

One Brisbane try off a blatant forward pass – another off a strip that Tangive had already caught in-goal.

Benefit of the doubt not given when Tangive has control of the ball (no seperation) and plants it over the line for another St George try.

Ref calls forward a line-ball pass at best, which finds Tangive, who then beats two Broncos players to race away for another no-try.

Nightingale denied after 7 looks by the video ref – who again rules in favour of the home team, and not benefit of the doubt.

Any side that visits Suncorp has to beat the home team by at least double the points that are due to be awarded to them, to come away with a win.

Live scores, blog: Broncos v Dragons

At least a 12 point turn-around. Tangive’s try line ball forward at best – with no result.
That one was a complete joke for Yow-Yeh’s second dubious try. Did Tangive mark that ball from the bomb, and then have it stripped by Yow-Yeh ?

Live scores, blog: Broncos v Dragons

Go the Mighties – missing a few quality players – but watch the youngens step up !
Saints by 12.

Live scores, blog: Broncos v Dragons

GI if fit, is my number one choice as a centre. He and Hayne in combination would wreak havoc with quality ball from the halves.

An Aussie team that can beat the Kiwis

Charles – once again – “You took the words right out of my keyboard !”

An Aussie team that can beat the Kiwis

Who would you have as coach ?
Who would your captain be, to lead Australia for the next five years ?

An Aussie team that can beat the Kiwis

Slater seems to make monumental blunders at crucial times – especially during matches that are tight.
Boyd has been the stand-out fullback over the past two years, and this is justified with the awards he has received from not only his peers, but from the critics as well.
Parker is a workhorse, and an absolute menace out of dummy-half.
He would relieve some pressure for Cameron Smith to work more of his magic.

An Aussie team that can beat the Kiwis
