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Joined September 2018









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not just a poor 10 though, Petaia is a huge loss. Kerevi can’t do it all on his own, though he will run over Kurtley i think you are right about Hunt and he should cover enough. Reds do have a better pack but i don’t see it being enough to solve their lake of back line firepower, especially if they continue with uncontestable bombs. I am picking the Brumbies to come out on top though, will likely be a better game to watch.

Super Rugby Round 4 expert tips: No, seriously. Good luck…

I am happy with either Maddocks or Banks, but usually with Koribettie or Naivalu on the wing the reasoning was to add size to the back line with a play making 12. We clearly don’t have that here and DHP on the other wing isn’t that big, as you say he’s a solid fullback but not a finishing wing. Not that numbers mean anything to Cheika’s teams of course.

Pocock passed fit for England showdown

I thought one of the highlights last week was our defensive lineout. I know it was Italy but still encouraging. In fact i thought Rodda did so well that Cheika would bench him at the very least.

Just a jersey or a reason for Wallabies hope at Twickenham?


Pocock passed fit for England showdown

Who in their right mind would want to take his place at this point though?

Pocock passed fit for England showdown

So it is written, so it shall be. If only! Good read and a great team (from what we have) only one im not sold on is Koroibete, I thought Sefa Naivalu had a bit more spark. Definitely need Hooper on the pine as suggested but not this weekend, at least Jakey gets a start with Matt at 10.

Wallabies selector wanted. How hard can it be?

I think the only way this isn’t a lose-lose is to put in a number of changes to the starting line-up and play with some different tactics. If the same team runs out then your right, even a win will be put down (correctly) to just be poor opposition. Also another captain would be nice, they won’t do Po though which really only leaves Genia or Toomua as people with any game management/leadership qualities. Still won’t happen but a guy can dream. I think if it’s the same old line up ill be in bed early to be up for Irish.

Lose-lose for the Wallabies against the Azzurri

Used to support Cheika but not sure how I come across as a fan now “he won’t listen anyway” . Same for the Tahs as both Simmons and Hannigan are for reasons best known to someone else, I am clearly not a fan of either. There are a ton of selection choices that seem stupid to me, all I’m saying is that they are Cheika’s fault, so if you bring in someone knew, don’t put another nagging voice in their ear just because the last guy got it wrong. Again if Cheika is still there, its redundant as he won’t take on any advice anyway. He either needs to present a different game plan or get the axe.

Heads must roll as Cheika's Wallabies lose against Wales with stupid play

Forgive me if I am wrong but didn’t Horwill constantly give away stupid penalties? Granted id still have him over Hannigan or Simmons but not sure if I want him doing any coaching. Also Allan Jones has been out of the game too long and has too many other things going on to be properly focused on Rugby. Cheika wouldn’t listen anyway and a new coach wouldn’t take the job if he feels he will be suffocated by other views. Other than that the only problem is that despite some good idea’s, yet again RA will do absolutely nothing. I’m not surprised we lost or even disappointed, I’m just tired. Watching the Wallabies is a chore, and has been for some time.

Heads must roll as Cheika's Wallabies lose against Wales with stupid play

Do you think this may have something to do with a lack of games Melbourne so far? I get that RA are trying to promote the game but how can you support a team if they don’t play more than 1 game within an hours drive of each other. It’s hard to find a good Rugby atmosphere down here in VIC as all the pubs put on AFL, so would have been good to get to some games live.

The NRC report card at the halfway point

Is McMahon playing in Japan? we really miss his ball carrying and mongrel, . Higgers is a decent backup but is too prone to getting cards.

Michael Cheika's loyalty is now to a fault

All our tape was used up. Cheika clearly had Beale in the video room for the last 2 weeks watching crabs trying to dodge gulls. I tend to rather Jake Gordon at super level though. Phipps does a mountain of work off the ball but as a half back, your main job is quick, accurate passing. He just isn’t consistent enough, constantly leaves his forwards reaching up as they get drilled in the ribs.

Fan abuse is never great, but the message to the Wallabies is clear

It’s not often you see a professional look like that being subbed, and usually its a self absorbed soccer player. I still can’t believe Cheika did that, have any reporters even asked what he was thinking? The only thing I can think is he said over the coms “Foley on and shift Matt” and someone missed the bleeding obvious point that Beale needed to be off.

Fan abuse is never great, but the message to the Wallabies is clear
