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The Roar

Dexter The Hamster

Roar Rookie

Joined November 2018







Collingwood Magpies and Cronulla Sharks tragic. Massive fan of F1, AFL, NRL, Cricket and just about anything where a bunch of people put on the same outfit and run around after a ball. Fair minded and open to debate, love having my opinions challenged, in a robust but fair way.



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That’s why I mentioned minor property disputes.

The difference between criminal and civil law is quite obvious to most. Although, the “innocent until proven guilty” crowd don’t seem to get it.

When someone is yelling out things in the crowd, its fair enough to assume some racism is implied, without the need to prove it without all reasonable doubt. Surely.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

You were the one claiming “get your facts right”. Citing members of the public, sometimes with vested interests, as “facts” or “evidence”.

Can’t help but picture your cartwheels when an Indian was in the papers saying Australian’s weren’t racist. Like Christmas all over again for Chop.

Why Tim Paine's sledging leaves such a bitter taste

So spectators “claiming” something to the newspapers is evidence now? Jeez Louise.

Why Tim Paine's sledging leaves such a bitter taste

Good game of cricket yesterday……

The Adam Treloar mystery

No, that’s not how it works in the courts of law. Only serious criminal charges such as murder. Minor property disputes don’t require that level of proof. You have been watching too much American TV methinks.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Paul I guess my issue is the rush to defend.

Lets face it, there is a fair amount of racism in this country. Anyone denying that is living in a fantasy land.

So when a player on the field is clearly distressed and in clear pain from verbal assaults, and says its racist, its a pretty big call to suggest they are making it up. I feel you are taking the “innocent until proven guilty” approach, which doesn’t work for me (its not a murder accusation in a court of law).

Also, its pretty hard for people of colour to racially abuse white people, so the example of Aus and Eng being racially abused is a strange direction for you to take. Yes, they can say things about being white, but it hardly carries the weight of generations of abuse and subjugation.

Anyway, just can’t believe this stuff still happens. But then I turn to Sky News and it all makes sense.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

“in a battle of wits you come unarmed”

Again, gold standard. Oscar Wilde areas……

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Nat, that is one of the great responses.

Biting and direct, but still civil. Well said.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Barry, I’m sorry, but this is pretty poor.

I usually enjoy your articles and your banter. But really?

Saying there is racism in India, so that’s OK, we can be racist too? Wow. I guess by that logic, its OK for us to arm ourselves and invade parliament house and try to stage a coup, because you know, other countries do that as well….

I feel we need to be better Barry.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Again, we just assume the victim is lying? To what end? A fast bowler is clever enough to incite a race issue just to delay a declaration?? Please.

Kohli wants action on racism claims

The problem is U, many on here, and around the country are too quick to jump on the “there is no racism, he must be overly sensitive, and all the snowflakes will be up in arms, and its PC gone mad, and innocent until proven guilty, and the loony left are to blame, and dear of dear the ABC has gone downhill…”

Any chance we can side with the victim for a change, and if proven no issue, then raise an issue?? Just once??

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Seems the default in Australia is: there is no racism, prove to me beyond all reasonable doubt that there is.

How about some compassion for the victims? Especially for us white folks (I’m assuming you are white Duncan, based on your comments its a safe bet), how about we try a little understanding? Or is that too threatening for you? Whats next, they will take your rights?

Kohli wants action on racism claims

Paul, agree about the link between batting and catching and the mental side of it. Standing in slips thinking about your batting technique is not great prep for slips fielding. I think we saw that during the game.

And these things tend to snowball so wouldn’t be surprised to see it get worse at the SCG.

Seven drops: Australia's poor catching killed them in second Test

Was wondering who the bluck CEO’s were…. 😂

Seven drops: Australia's poor catching killed them in second Test

Gill was dropped late on day 1, so a NW was a real chance. JGK has the right of it…..

Seven drops: Australia's poor catching killed them in second Test

Remember the Test match in England (maybe 2013?) when Khawaja missed a turning ball out of the rough, was given out, reviewed, replays showed he missed it, but the decision stayed out??

I reckon batsmen have long memories, and when one goes their way, they see it as justice being served.

Decision making needs a review in the BBL

But if you only use your review to overturn obvious howlers, then you don’t run out of reviews. You only run out of reviews but using them on 50-50 calls.

Decision making needs a review in the BBL

Thanks Paul, was a nice read.

I guess the issue is that cricket is fairly unique and fielding is not easily quantifiable (as you are obviously aware). Some have already commented that dropping Kohli is not the same as dropping Bumrah.

The fielder who dives but still gives away a run trying to save a boundary on the ropes, is not the same as the fielder who is having a snooze at mid-on and lets a ball bounce off the knee and lets in a single, when the batter was on 0 off 10 balls and feeling pressure. But in both cases they are -1. I cannot see a way that any system can measure the game situation in any meaningful way.

But as a measure of pure “who is the best fielder”, I can see plenty of merit in it, and would happily embrace it.

Cricket needs a fielding score. How about this one?

The ball was pink.

The Adelaide pitch was brilliant yet again. Now the others need to follow suit

Some might say its a “rich tapestry”…..

The Adelaide pitch was brilliant yet again. Now the others need to follow suit

Sorry Billy, I think you might be looking for the BBL…

I loved the “grinding” nature of the Test in India’s first innings, every run counted, every ball was watched intensely. Felt on a knife’s edge.

The Adelaide pitch was brilliant yet again. Now the others need to follow suit

I’d cry in the arms of Andrew Ettingshausen as well……

😊 😊

Paul Gallen was just made to be punched

Thanks Paul.

While I quite enjoy settling in and watching a great batting performance, there is nothing like a collapse to get the blood pumping. The agony and the ecstasy of it all. Compelling stuff.

The Aussie bowlers once again pulling their batting mates out of the fire.

Who’d have thunk it? A few takes from the first Test


Those who lived through the 1984-1988 period of Australian cricket know full well that its not the bottom of the barrel yet, and there is plenty of upside in this team.

Australia forced into yet another squad change for first Test

Yep, that is the issue.

I know we can’t have windows for every T20 league that pops up around the world, but you would think Aust, as one of the Big 3, could throw some weight around and get international tours played outside the BBL window.

Dear CA, what were you thinking?
