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Big Dave

Roar Rookie

Joined August 2014









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It worked really well for Eddie, getting rid of all those old guys with their ‘loser mentality’. We should do more of that.

Kells, Wright, Donno, Jock or Kurtley? What Joe Schmidt's past tells us about the Wallaby fullback sweepstakes

Are we supposed to watch the games before we comment now?

Kells, Wright, Donno, Jock or Kurtley? What Joe Schmidt's past tells us about the Wallaby fullback sweepstakes

6 games. Played 80 mins in 5 of them. Actually 88 mins against the Drua.

Kells, Wright, Donno, Jock or Kurtley? What Joe Schmidt's past tells us about the Wallaby fullback sweepstakes

And RA wouldn’t let him.

How an Argentine prop playing 10,000 miles away ended up taking an SOS to solve Tahs' crisis

On the Campbell try it was a 2 on 1 and Kellaway stayed outside on Grealy. He had Lancaster coming in cover and Lancaster should have had Campbell. If Kellaway had gone in on Campbell then Grealy would have walked in untouched. That one was Lancaster’s mistake.

Kells, Wright, Donno, Jock or Kurtley? What Joe Schmidt's past tells us about the Wallaby fullback sweepstakes

Didn’t he just wrap up his season over there?

How an Argentine prop playing 10,000 miles away ended up taking an SOS to solve Tahs' crisis

That’s the problem right now but not so much at the start of the year when they had Bell, Porecki etc. Just saying their first choice pack is not bad.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

For one game.
Miles was good on Saturday. A ways to go, but dismissing him as not super standard is unfair, there is not enough evidence to say that.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Australian rugby is a mess because Christy didn’t pick any reds in his team of the week?
Seems like an easier fix for our woes than I’d expected. Get on it, Christy!

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

RA want to take over all the teams. Get on board.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

I dunno, the pass to Campbell was really just draw the man and pass. Did his job but not really special. The leap was good though, had forgotten about that.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Agreed, except for the over-priced food and beverages….

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Ryan’s try was well taken, I thought he was a bit quiet otherwise, not a lot of opportunities. Agree he was probably next man up.
Pietsch is better than I ever thought he would be when he started. You’re right though, I don’t know if he’s ever going to quite take that next step.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

They wouldn’t be paying the exorbitant price though, that would be RA top up. They also don’t have depth at wing with Marky going, Reilly doesn’t look up to it to me, too many mistakes. Who else is there after Pietsch?
I also don’t think their forward pack is that terrible, minus all the injuries. No amount of depth will cover that level of front row injury, Holloway is doing well at lock and they have tried to address help for him with Miles (jury still out). Swinton/Hanigan at 6, Gleeson 8, Gamble 7 – it’s not a bad pack really.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

I agree with that. I said elsewhere kudos to the Reds for getting the win when they weren’t at their best, good teams do that.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Don’t think you can blame the Tahs for JS, that was Hamish. Sure the Tahs were happy to take him, but can’t imagine they were the ones doing the recruiting.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

This is true, although Miles is a genuine lock at least.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

It would be dangerous to start now.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Yes, right on halfway, padded seats with drink holders. Self-upgrade. Nice to see how the other half live.
I thought Gordon and Amatosero both had very good games, I’d be interested to know who you thought was better in their positions this week. Pietsch is more debatable. I didn’t see the Force game but none of the wingers from the other 3 Australian franchises were real standouts.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Did you watch the game?

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

They’ve brought him on slowly. Saturday was his best game, I’d been disappointed with what I’d seen up until then as well. But it’s hard to criticize them for bringing on a young guy slowly when we spend all our time criticizing them for bringing young guys on too quickly….

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

Yeah Jake had a really good game but you can’t get past the blinkers with some people.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

And that was Hamish getting his jollies anyway.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

He was pretty disappointing at the time, I remember him always being a frustration. Not sure if it was coaching or the change of scenery or just growing up that fixed him.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines

That better not be it. I’d love my kids to love rugby. Do you think the Tahs ever have an afternoon game that I could take them to, so I’m not trying to drag a 5yo kid home on a train at 11PM? Nope.

Five things: Where DC got it wrong with Tahs, perception and reality for Wallabies hopeful as Test bolter shines
