The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined January 2020









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Number 2 is paramount. But overall it’s an enjoyable league who has got a winning formula.

Five things cricket must change by 2025 (but won't)

But he’s got the runs on the board, speaks sense and you live in a fantasy land. Who are people gonna believe.

Maligned and resilient, the A-League survives another calendar year

“Everything he said had factual errors?” Wow bro. Talk about head in the sand.
As someone who is involved in the game and has been at an elite level I can tell you Nick is spot on. You’re directing your vitriol to the wrong person. How about you direct it to the people running the game into the ground not people who call them out for it.

Maligned and resilient, the A-League survives another calendar year

Yeah but nothing he has said is wrong is it mate.

Face it soccer is finished. Don’t be in denial and don’t shoot the messenger. You want to be an arm chair critic take it out on Gallop and co who have run the game into the ground.

Maligned and resilient, the A-League survives another calendar year
