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Full Credit to the Boys

Roar Rookie

Joined June 2021









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I find myself enjoying Matt To’omua’s analysis. He was very measured as a footballer and seems to also be as a commentator.

Schmidt's picks: Big Tane questions Joe must answer, and most on 'trend' player he named

I think it was last year that he played prop for a while. He looked great taking the ball up. I wonder if he plays that role as well this year.

Yeo bro, what’s up with Blues locking key player away on the bench - and why it might just work

Clearly not. He is part of a sensationalist yellow journalism culture that preys on the uneducated.

It's time for Luai to stand up and clearly prove he can be the main man for Blues in Origin

I felt the same last year without a backup hooker in Game 1. Just felt wrong. Can they switch the named side at this stage. Pretty tough call to be named in the 17 and be replaced.

Origin News: Nicho not bothered by calf, Walsh ready to resume hostilities in Luai rematch, Gus questions Blues bench

Personally, I am looking forward to seeing young emerging Panthers players get an NRL debut, the combination of Schneider and Cole, Henry playing in the 2nd row and Smith at lock.

NRL Tipping Round 13: The Roar's expert tips and predictions - Origin, schmorigin, let's focus on the real footy

Yes, its extraordinary how a ‘debate’ has emerged about this young man from the people that brought us weapons of mass destruction, Trump, Covid is a hoax, global warming is a hoax, Brexit.

When did Australians start believing snake all salesman and taking their business model, to vilify certain people, seriously?

It's time for Luai to stand up and clearly prove he can be the main man for Blues in Origin

He has the dazed and confused look all the time.

'Things take care of themselves': Barrett coy on Eels job as interim coach declares Parra can still play finals

I watch in awe as players tackle some enormous forward, and sometime almost as big a back, then jump up and sprint back in the line. They do it from the heat of the trials through to the heat of September. Everything at breakneck speed.

End of an era: Are we seeing a new style of rugby league tactics developing before our eyes?

Barrett always look dazed and confused even as an Assistant. He’ll look completely flummoxed as head coach.

Bennett twist to Eels' tale with Arthur sacked, Barrett taking over: 'Progress of our team has stalled'

I think TPJ had some value on his short stint but was plagued by injury and a personal tragedy.

If they sign Fifita, I’m sure they will have a strategy to motivate him. Perhaps just being in that environment will affect change. The upside is pretty high in my opinion.

Panthers' plea for player development discounts will fall on deaf ears - and Fifita is not the answer to their JFH dilemma

For some reason I’m thinking Penrith are aware of the perception that Fifita is lazy and have a strategy to change that. Maybe it’s the three consecutive premierships while losing key players that suggests they know what they r doing!

A motivated and engaged Fifita could be a phenomenal asset.

Panthers' plea for player development discounts will fall on deaf ears - and Fifita is not the answer to their JFH dilemma

Not sure I agree that Luai’s form has been that good. I feel he’s being compensating for Cleary’s absence by running on the spot a lot. He always does that but it seems its less effective this year.

I agree that Burton is a good footballer and adds an incredible boot. On form and availability he might sneak in, but I wonder if Wighton might make himself available.

Five and a kick: An all-Dogs edge for NSW, Manly's predictable collapse and why Benji's old boys should know better

Fiftita at his best is out of this world. It might be that he is used like a Lenui with dynamic impact, but he would be expensive for that role. Anyway, you have to think Penrith will understand their forward plans and how they could utilise him.

I’ve long thought we lack size, especially post Lenui and Kikau. He gives that as well.

NRL News: Ivan clearly impressed with 'marquee' Fifita, 'I've done nothing wrong - Gus calls in lawyer over fine

I must admit after Alamoti’s game last week I understood why he wasn’t prioritised, especially with the Mcleans coming thru. After last night, I’m not so sure.

Ive always thought he would make an incredible hooker, but he showed he could play in the halves and fullback as well. Just a great natural footballer.

NRL News: Bennett seeks swift Souths resolution, Robinson says Roosters cashed up to replace Keary

No mate. I went to a Catholic Jesuit School with a boater and suit. It wasn’t my choice and it was in a time when Surry Hills was considered a slum, by wealthy north shore kids anyway. Anyway, I might have strayed from the burrow, but I’ve stayed true to the marginalised.

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

I used to watch when Ikin was moderator. I liked the conversation about league and learnt some things. It has devolved into the usual Fox gutter tripe with Kent becoming boorish, angry and predictable.

Full of himself, prickly and easy to rile. Is there any point to NRL360 without Paul Kent?

I grew up in Surry Hills opposite the Bourke Street Public School where my Dad had the corner store. It was an all Rabbitohs area. You could hear the roar when someone scored from the Sports Ground or SCG. I barracked for Souths for an age until I moved to the Blue Mountains. I’m not sure when I strayed from the path of milk into soy milk, but its clear I am on a slippery slope to hell.

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

It’s worse than that. I am a soy latte drinking Panthers supporter. Pretty much the definition of a class traitor.

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

Back in India for a year or so and onto the chai. Brilliant!

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

I thought so. 👍

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

I like soy latte. I try not to, but I really like it. Does that make me a bad person?

NRL News: Souths confirm they 'will certainly be speaking to Wayne', Ciraldo defends trainer over lawsuit

It strikes me that this punishment touched on shaming by a peer group. That can have disastrous effects on some people. Others would see it as a bit of laugh.

Many players would have been called a ‘monkey’ like the Bronco’s Lam was, but he drew a line in the sand. That’s how progress is made. I believe the Australian cricketer Symonds was very badly hurt by that racist slur. So the argument that this has always happened isn’t relevant.

There r different reports of how many people he wrestled. If it was 30 that is a physical punishment I would have thought. A young man died a year or so ago from over training in heat. Perhaps he didn’t want to be subject to a negative judgment by the group.

Topine vs Bulldogs an important case for NRL and players - wrestling punishment shouldn't be tolerated in a 'workplace'

Edwards is really interesting to watch. He is a bit like rugby legend Stephen Larkam. He doesn’t seem to moving quickly but suddenly he is through the line.

Nathan's kicks the difference in Panthers rearguard action as Ivan reveals reason for Turuva absence

Absolutely. He could be To’o Mark 11. Bigger, faster and younger.

Nathan's kicks the difference in Panthers rearguard action as Ivan reveals reason for Turuva absence

You may well be right, but there also a chance they are building momentum. Their young players look so good – Tago, Kenny, May, Alamoti, Geyer – and they are just going to get better and better I think.

Nathan's kicks the difference in Panthers rearguard action as Ivan reveals reason for Turuva absence
