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Gen Rose

Roar Rookie

Joined May 2018









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Did you miss those articles Freddy? Strange you commented in all of them.
I think Mascord is getting in you blokes heads. He is the king of code wars and opemly says other sports are competitors.

Australian sporting codes in a fight for dominance

Whats this Cold War you Rugby League folk talk about? Why cant you see all other codes get along fine and aren’t threatened by each other. This must be the 6th or 7th article this year by a Rugby League author going on about codewars. Then on top of that the “Stop picking on my World Cup” articles during last years event.
Im not sure if its because it cant get much bigger or what but i guarentee you all other sports arent threatened by each other

Australian sporting codes in a fight for dominance

Im glad you dont disagree with me Justin!
Great input

Todd Carney's signing could be more significant than you think

Just let him play. The administrators are carrying on as if there is integrity in the sport. Its full of grubs and crims so letting Toddy back wont make a real difference

Todd Carney's signing could be more significant than you think

How is that false? Without the Brisbane Broncos the NRL would be averaging the 8k crowds. I know you dont like hearing it but its the truth

It's time for the NRL to go bush

Its not a story CC its the truth! Thats the scary thing about it..
Keep blaming Vichy Crosscoder or the AFLBC with the fumbleballers or Fitzsimmons or Spiro or Offsiders!
Everybody so against poor old Rugby League!
Atleast you have the pinnacle Qld v Nsw

League and Union should join up and share the love: A case

Crosscoder you aren’t getting it? Fellow Expansionists like yourself are buying tickets to the Denver Test to boost ticket sales! No other codes need to do that.i dont know why you keep bringing up Union and AFL in all your comments!
How goods the Wolfpack going in Canada! Still needs Mascord to pump it for any recognition.
Nearly as good as that Professional Welsh side having a crack at Rugby League getting pumped by 100 and more every week! How goods Rugby League going in Wales?? Although thats Vichys fault hey champion!

League and Union should join up and share the love: A case

Lucky to pay money to watch the most irrelevant Australian national sporting team play Rugby League in England?
What a waste of money. I can see why they dont do Kangaroo tours now!

League and Union should join up and share the love: A case

No Crosscoder the pinnacle of Rugby League is between Qld and NSW. You want it to be between Countries but how can you call the Kangaroos Australia when only some people in NSW and QLD care?

Did you hear the “Expansionists” of Rugby League are buying tickets to the Denver test even though they cant make it so it tries to boost ticket sales?
You dont need to do that in State of Origin do you?

League and Union should join up and share the love: A case
