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Joined July 2021









Glass-half-fullback hasn't published any posts yet

Exactly, everyone sits in a circle and gets a salty piece of meat.

'Laughable': Salty South Africans react as two Wallabies and no Boks make POTY shortlist

These awards have always smelled a bit like circle jerky.
Seems like this year it was set up for the English poster child to win, with the Wallaby votes divided and the french public who probably have never heard of these awards.
In the end it’s great news for Boks and ABs who gets a bit more motivation and less distraction.
Same goes for Wallabies as the nominated duo won’t be playing this week.

'Laughable': Salty South Africans react as two Wallabies and no Boks make POTY shortlist

Great to see he adopted the accent too. Most kiwis who come to Australia just get an even thicker kiwi accent.

New Zealand-born Ireland winger gives legendary interview after beating the All Blacks

I was called glass-half-empty for suggesting the Wallabies will have a tough time on tour. They are still the same Wallabies.
This was not their worst game of the year, the worst was that Perth game.
Beating the French, Pumas and Boks at home is only par for the course.
I thought they had a good game against the Scots, almost winning against the odds. Only the dismantling of the Boks in Brisbane eclipsed that performance.
But what were Scotland and Australia thinking when they scheduled this match on a Sunday?
Both teams had a 6 day turn around and got beaten comprehensively this morning.
It hurts losing against England but it’s not as bad as it seems. This is a young team and they will learn a lot on this tour, a first for many of them.

UK View: Give Smith the keys, and 'how on God's earth did Wallabies beat the Springboks?'

Booing a kicker is disrespectful.
So people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Disrespectful? Ireland fans' musical reaction to the haka causes a stir


Coach’s Corner Issue 29: Do the All Blacks have a soft centre?

Of the 16 games they played since the start of 2020, they only managed to win the 7 games played in QLD. Of the 9 games not played in QLD, 6 were lost and 3 ended in a draw.
I’m anxious to see how they perform on tour, but won’t be putting any money on them.

Coach’s Corner Issue 29: Do the All Blacks have a soft centre?

C33, I think the no.1 reason for the downplaying of the Wallabies results is their efforts against New Zealand. In particular the complete capitulation in Perth.
They then almost lost against a team fresh out of 2 weeks quarantine.
The following week they completely dominated at Suncorp in their finest game of the season, they would have beaten any team in the world that day. But can they replicate that effort on the road? There is no evidence they can can play like that outside of Queensland, let alone in an empty stadium on the highveld.
At the end of the day, the Wallabies finished 2nd in a tournament where they played 5/6 games at home.
The real test for them will be the upcoming tour. I wish them luck and hope they make me eat my words.

Coach’s Corner Issue 29: Do the All Blacks have a soft centre?

Oh boy, the George W Bush of rugby commentators.
He once said something to the effect of: Siya Kolisi was born to a 17yr old mother, who passed away when she was 15.
The same guy who found religion, then joined the Crusaders.

Why I'll be buying Sonny Bill's book

ABs tried their best to lose it, but the Boks wouldn’t let them.
Two soft tries in the first 7 minutes, then a pretty even contest for the remainder, only a missed conversion separating them in the end.
Still better than the greatest league game ever played.

The Boks and All Blacks should try again

Wallabies were up for it against France and also now against South Africa. Why don’t they have any fight in them against ABs? Same thing happened in trans tasman super comp.
The question has to be asked. How many of these Wallabies grew up supporting the All Blacks?

REACTION: Everything Rennie said after beating Boks, including verdict on Quade's RWC chances

You sound like Bill Gates complaining about paying tax.

REACTION: Everything Rennie said after beating Boks, including verdict on Quade's RWC chances

At least 3 months in a bubble. They will improve. Their new found freedom will do wonders for their mental health.

REACTION: Everything Rennie said after beating Boks, including verdict on Quade's RWC chances

I guess that’s one way of looking at it, that he wanted to get an unfair advantage. It has also been argued that he was trying to level the playing field because he felt South Africa was at a disadvantage.
Motives aside, I agree with Eddie, it should have been dealt with already.

Eddie Jones calls for swift judgement on 'disrespectful' Erasmus, adds own ref concerns

Idiot’s guide to beating the All Blacks:
1. Show respect to the haka. History have shown that a smirk at the wrong time is enough to motivate them for your next 3 games against them.
2. Don’t score first. This will only piss them off. What you want to do is lull them in to a false sense of security. Try to stay in touch on the scoreboard, then ambush them in the second half.
3. You need to be ahead by at least 15 points with the clock on 78 minutes. This gives you a 50% chance of winning.

The Thursday rugby two-up: How to beat the All Blacks and what to expect from SA and Los Pumas

Yes I agree that they should try to create more tries, but they shouldn’t abandon the current defence based system.
I think the best they can do is to forget about the previous 20 years. This is a different team and they should build on the good they have done the last 3 years.
I recall once when Victor Matfield was asked about a more attacking mindset, his reply was that they are attacking more, through box kicks. I got the impression that the more the public asked for attacking play, the more they kicked, believing that the box kick is attacking play.
The other thing that might contribute to the perception of the boks being conservative is that they almost always take the 3 points on offer and very seldom kick for the corner. While the antipodes are the polar opposites.
The Boks will hopefully start scoring more tries. But only because it makes winning easier, not because they are competing against other codes or want to win over the casual observer.

'We all play to our DNA': Boks' coach palms off Hansen comments, defends style ahead of TRC

That’s what I meant by advice from personal experience. SA rugby lost a lot of supporters and money back then. Winning restored what no amount of razzle and dazzle could.

'We all play to our DNA': Boks' coach palms off Hansen comments, defends style ahead of TRC

South Africa is not trying to break into the asian market. Nor are they competing with NRL or AFL.
But if SA Rugby were to give advice to Rugby Australia from personal experience regarding reaching one’s personal objective, it would probably be not to let other teams put 57 points on you.

'We all play to our DNA': Boks' coach palms off Hansen comments, defends style ahead of TRC


'No belief': Steve Hansen criticises South Africa coach, calls for breakdown rule changes


FIXTURES REVEALED: Queensland to host four weeks of rugby heaven as TRC locked in

I’m not sure who exactly you are referring to.
It could be anyone mentioned in this article 😂

'Simply not true': NZR boss rejects Rennie claim, SA journo says Boks should join Six Nations

I don’t agree. Everyone needs a rival. Batman needs the Joker. Heroes need villains. And those villains need sponsors.

Perhaps the villains could be sponsored by a giant nefarious oil conglomerate.

We're not here to entertain: Springboks

Mate, now I can relate.
I tried to take my missus to Newlands. She complained it was wet, cold and miserable.
I then took her to a game on a nice sunny day at Suncorp. She complained that it was hot and humid.
Then I started leaving her at home. Same thing, she just doesn’t like it. I never thought of blaming one of the teams for her not enjoying rugby. I’ll have to give it a go.
In the games you referenced, you could easily have blamed the coach, Gatland. What made you decide the Boks had to be the villains?

We're not here to entertain: Springboks

Rabid? Really?
Carlos, I think they found the bills stacked stacked up pretty quickly when they lost 57-0.

We're not here to entertain: Springboks

I don’t know who’s bagging New Zealand.
I found the lions series fascinating, but have to agree with you on this one. I found the second half of this game was dreary as hell.

A 'couple of beers' and back at it: Changed up Boks thrill coach with Argentina win after Lions battle
