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The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined February 2008









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Interesting, Elisha, and to be honest, I raised the same question after the first TRC game against NZ. CL has definitely gone AWOL. I dont think he is a 12…..I personally feel a better combo at present would be AAC at 15, Folau at 13 and move Kuridrani to 12..
I realise that CL is a great goal kicker but he really needs to do heaps more around the field. Our backline lacks vision and playmakers. CL is not one of those!!!

From being touted as “the best backline in the world” at the beginning of the season, I think they have been a total failure.

Dismal and depressing…….Jake, come back all is forgiven

Point me in the direction of rock bottom

Mate u are so on the money…. Give Sio a run…strong,agile and just needs time on the field…a future prospect for our scrum.
Liam Gil would be a shoe-in at no6 right now….cannot believe EM does not start him!!!!
Will Genia in my humble opinion is still right up there with the best but he has lost that intensity. Too slow with his box kicks (surely someone in the camp can sort that out!!!!) and no breaks around the scrum

Also, Ive got to say that I think the Wallabies are too negative ….no chip kicks or grubbers to turn the opposition around.

All in all, poor strategy…also I know Lealifano is a great kicker but surely move JOC to 12 and TL at 13 – I dont think AAC has had one good game in the past 12 months…time for a change in structure

SPIRO: McKenzie shows selectorial bravery benching Genia

Gotta say that Ewen got it mostly right. But no-one has mentioned CL….I thought apart from his kicking which was awesome, he had a very poor game. Even when playing for the Ponies, I thought he was very average. Maybe use him at 15 but Kuridrani must be in the run-on side…a dangerous and strong runner. Type of Frank Bunce player….very strong on his feet. I also think Schatz deserves a shot. He would be great at 6 although Liam Gil should definitely be in the mix…

To tweak or not to tweak? That is the question

I agree with most of Scott’s selections. Mowen has been a standout for the Brumbies for the past two seasons and is an exceptional leader.
I would definitely pick Gill to start at No7 as I think he offers more challenges to McCaw than Hooper. Scott Sio has to be the loosehead as he is also so mobile. We need physicality and he certainly has that. I am in two minds over the locks ….Horwill for sure but I would choose Simmons as I think he has improved his aggro on the field. Also he has partnered Horwill for the Reds.
The problem for me is at 6…Higgie would be a shoe-in if fit but in his absence, I would probably go for Fardy. He has played well for the Brumbies at lock and has a lot of go-forward.

Go the Wallabies

Selecting The Roar’s Wallabies: Part 1 – the forwards

Quade is great on attack but when the team is going backwards and the forwards are retreating, he comes up very short. I think as an attacking player he is excellent but another player with very good all round No10 skills is Bernard Foley….good move to pick him in the squad. Good kicking game and can run….excellent prospect. Surprised to see Polota-Nau in the squad….too slow and always injured… move on Link

Brumbies have already answered questions

Go you Brumbies…. a place in the Grand Final is just desserts for a fantastic season….I have said before, Ben Mowen is a natural leader and should captain the Wallabies. Toomua is a dead cert for No 10 and I think Kuridrani is developing into “Frank Bunce” type player..must get a run in the Green and Gold.
Great team spirit and the ability to change a game plan when required….and hasn’t the scrum been rock solid… to hold and even push the Bulls off the ball tells quite a story.

Brumbies have already answered questions

Very well said…. I agree with you…Mowen is inspirational and is solid and hardworking. I dont dislike Horwill but I believe Mowen is the right leader going forward. As an ex – Saffer, pls dont appoint Jake as our next coach. I had enough of watching boring 10 man stuff in SA – bring on Link and some free-flowing running rugby.
That is the Aussie way is it not ?????

Have we seen the last of Robbie Deans?

I believe the right guy for fly-half is Kurtley….incisive runner, good distributor and mercurial. He is a long-term prospect with a great running rugby brain. He would undoubtedly be my first choice at 10.
Dropped from the squad should be: Barnes ….never done a thing other than kick away good ball and get injured….waste of space
McCabe..never had the first idea what 12/13 should be doing….good on defence but not an Aussie style centre like Horan or Little…always injured …..waste of space..Then there is AAC….has not had a good 3 seasons as far as I am concerned….has short bursts of good play but is nowhere near as good as 3 years back. Another one is Palu…never lasts a full match and has not got a feel for no8 …
My team for 2nd test would be.
15 … JOC
14 … Folau
13…. Taps
12…. CL (if fit)
11…. Digby
9….. Genia
8…. Mowen
4….Horwill (capt)
Nuff said

It is time for a fly-half: Cooper or Toomua please

Mate, I think you summed it up perfectly!! In his prime (3 years back) he played with great flair and was electric. And also a very good defender. I think two things happened — 1. The opposition got wise to his jinks and steps and shut him down, and 2. He became very complacent. He was never a five-eighth – disappointing that the Brumbies are playing him there. I thought Matt Tomooa improved dramatically last year. As a Brumbies fan, very dejected….

Matt Giteau signs with French club Toulon
