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Doctor Rotcod

Roar Rookie

Joined August 2018









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The 500 was against SA 3XI.

Bailey defends decision to recall veteran ahead of young guns as Aussies reveal Test squad for New Zealand tour

Perfectly true. Starc also in great nick.
I have a metric which weights results against opposition faced.
Borrowed and adapted from SquiggleAFL.
Honourable Win through Expected Win down to Dishonourable Loss.

Pakistan wins? Expected.
West Indies loss? ???
NZ tour?
Bowlers bowl poorly, and sometimes don’t do so well,q.f. Ashes. England at home, not so bad.
Bowlers against Pakistan or W.I. who bowl well take truckloads of wickets.
Just as well these second-tier teams came along. Even Victoria did all right.

Bailey defends decision to recall veteran ahead of young guns as Aussies reveal Test squad for New Zealand tour

Sure,and if you’re not sure what’s meant they’ll add a suffix, prefix or ready-mix to the wheelbarrow.
Succinticity is not a Germanic trait.

Bailey defends decision to recall veteran ahead of young guns as Aussies reveal Test squad for New Zealand tour

Are the selectors doing this for Neser’s sake, or for theirs?

Bailey defends decision to recall veteran ahead of young guns as Aussies reveal Test squad for New Zealand tour

Sorry to burst your bubble,Rowdy, but fix is from the the Latin, figere,meaning fix…

Bailey defends decision to recall veteran ahead of young guns as Aussies reveal Test squad for New Zealand tour

Well , I’m going. The only game we can get the majority of the clan together.
Agree, a crappy time.

COVID chaos rocks Aussie camp again as Marsh faces tricky captain assignment after positive test

Twenty thousand Australians have died with or from Covid up till August 2023.

Nothing burger? Glad you’re not running the health system.

COVID chaos rocks Aussie camp again as Marsh faces tricky captain assignment after positive test

Why isn’t Paris in the frame?
23 wickets at 13, from seven innings, best current Shield season strike rate of them all. And a halfway decent lower order batsperson. Best inswinger I’ve seen for a long time.

Gabba goodwill quickly fading as 'embarrassing' Windies set woeful new record in Canberra capitulation

And has 25 wickets from seven games.

Gabba goodwill quickly fading as 'embarrassing' Windies set woeful new record in Canberra capitulation

Harleys are Indians without style.

Gabba goodwill quickly fading as 'embarrassing' Windies set woeful new record in Canberra capitulation

Don’t park it in your garage then.
Leave it on the verge for council pickup.

Gabba goodwill quickly fading as 'embarrassing' Windies set woeful new record in Canberra capitulation

Aus A vs Aus Test side.
Possibles vs Probables.
At the start of the first class season.

Gabba goodwill quickly fading as 'embarrassing' Windies set woeful new record in Canberra capitulation

For all the usual, ‘England will find a way’ hype, Hartley brilliant as a neophyte,Pope as a blue moon champion,Stokes brave but flawed, I feel that there will be a reversion to the mean and India,with Kohli back, will assert themselves.

Anderson has a short shelf life and Bashir doesn’t really impose himself.
Close but no cigar.

What will the next pitch be like?

India's back level with England - Strap in for one of Test cricket's greatest series

Abbott is better than almost anyone else …from NSW. He has a decent record, better than an indecent record, I suppose.

Green makes most of promotion but questions remain over best spot as Bartlett's burst propels Aussies to victory

Ask WA AFL players about their flights back from the east.
Not sure about 1st Class,but Business Class suits my mate who’s 2.01 m. and his company is happy to pay the premium

Green makes most of promotion but questions remain over best spot as Bartlett's burst propels Aussies to victory

They could have Marsh. Again. But they didn’t pick him. Again.
WA would have liked him to be available for the Marsh Cup game,and the Shield game.

Labuschagne and Khawaja had a turn for the Heat so there’s precedent.

Green makes most of promotion but questions remain over best spot as Bartlett's burst propels Aussies to victory

Serious answer.
Tony Grieg and Tom Moody about the same height. Explosive batting,not really.
Marco Jansen 2.09 m.,so I see !!!

Expect Donner und Blitzen from Green? Second third of an innings probably.

Green makes most of promotion but questions remain over best spot as Bartlett's burst propels Aussies to victory

It’s a shame Green’s so good.
But where were his amazing wide-wingspan catches in the gully?
If he had three wickets and a seventy would anyone seriously doubt his position in the starting lineup?
Two wickets is not enough for a generational talent.
The puzzle was why have Hardie in the side? Didn’t bowl, didn’t bat, took a regulation catch that any doofus could have snaffled.

Green makes most of promotion but questions remain over best spot as Bartlett's burst propels Aussies to victory

There’s an award for that.
Most of us on here have made the odd egregious error.
Even I.

'I thought I was done and dusted': Tears flow after emotional Marsh wins surprise AB Medal as Ash snares women's top gong

Typical small state syndrome.
Used a touch pad recently?
Developed in WA.
Know anything about quantum computers? UWA leads the way.
Any copper, neodymium,praesodymium or lithium in your life?
Drive a car made from steel, aluminium or high quality glass? All sourced from WA.
All Australian stainless steel needs nickel. WA nickel.mostly.
It sure doesn’t need the world’s highest debt to equity ratio of any provincial jurisdiction or an economy based on the real estate Ponzi scheme inherent in Victorian life. And casinos.

The most livable city in the world? Pah!
Try living in the outer suburbs.

World’s greatest sporting city?
Not even close.

When Victorian voters have a choice between an autocrat’s succesor and a big business minion , pity them

'I thought I was done and dusted': Tears flow after emotional Marsh wins surprise AB Medal as Ash snares women's top gong

I agree. There’s sometimes a strained logic to the selectors’ decisions.
Keeping the bowlers happy has required that from time to time.
For the dozenth time, Bancroft’s fielding should be on his CV.
In the Shield alone,he is closing in on Shaun Marsh’s catching record ( over ten years,not twenty).
Ask Will Sutherland if any one else would have caught him in the last game they faced off.

'I thought I was done and dusted': Tears flow after emotional Marsh wins surprise AB Medal as Ash snares women's top gong

The flea carried bubonic plague, remember.
Carrying Victoria is pretty hard, economically,true.
No fight,just disdain from the West.

'I thought I was done and dusted': Tears flow after emotional Marsh wins surprise AB Medal as Ash snares women's top gong

How ,in the name of W.G.Grace could a #4 take the place of an opener?
Besides for all the efforts that any player puts in,there may be egos to soothe,brows to dab clean of the sweat of worry that you may be taking the place of someone more worthy than yourself.
Then you wake up and think ‘ it’s okay , I’m from NSW, everything is hunky dory ‘.
If it makes you feel better, I agree,Renshaw is an adequate #5
However he is a much poorer fielder than
Bancroft whose fielding is worth five times whatever small and strained difference in runscoring, in the non-domestic sphere , between he and Renshaw that Cam’s detractors emphasise

'I thought I was done and dusted': Tears flow after emotional Marsh wins surprise AB Medal as Ash snares women's top gong

Just to reiterate a point I have made before.
Cam Bancroft, for all the negativity sent his way, is the premier close-in fielder on Australia .
No-one else in Shield history has two lots of five catches in a year.
Or, eight catches in a match.
And his outfielding is superb.
If that’s not worth twenty or more runs a game, I’m not a one-eyed WA cricket lover.

Test Mortem: Green’s golden status fading as batting unit becomes fragile, Windies need help to kick on from Gabba glory

Tom Hartley tenfer (Nadia Comaneci) on debut.

Shamar's a superstar: Windies rookie destroys Australia with all-time great spell to break 27-year drought in cliffhanger
