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The Roar

League Tragic

Roar Rookie

Joined June 2017









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Thanks for the reply Andrew …
I actually found the standard of journalism commensurate with the behaviour of the players, one doesn’t exist without the other.
And I wouldn’t be too concerned about the future of journalism, tabloid will always exist alongside balanced and objective, one breathes life into the other, just like the hero and villain.
All the best with your writing career, LT.

Mad Monday has a place in our game, trashy journalists don't

Andrew, could I ask how your outrage at journalists is any different from the journalists outrage at Bulldogs players? It would seem you wrote a tabloid piece attacking tabloid journalism…

Mad Monday has a place in our game, trashy journalists don't

Great article Robert… unfortunately nothing will change until decision makers at the elite level realise that grass roots rugby league needs a complete redesign ie how it’s funded, how it’s played, how it’s managed, and most importantly, how elite pathways are separated from general participation.

Where rugby league's got it wrong
