The Roar
The Roar

Igor Litvinyuk

Roar Rookie

Joined September 2020









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What does it matter who coaches this team? The problem is not coaching or tactics but complete and utter lack of skills. It was just painful to watch. Sure, it didn’t help when the only player on the team who can hold his own on the ball against international competition started the game on the bench, but one player does not make a team. You can appoint Pep Guardiola himself to coach this team and the result would have been exactly the same. You cannot win if you cannot play. As simple as that. The only thing against Arnie is his delusional boasting about “shocking the world” and “winning the gold”. Sure, a coach must motivate his players somehow, but within limits of sanity.

Are you 'Arnie In' or 'Arnie Out' when it comes to Australia's national teams?

I am sorry, but is this for real? Frankly, it all sounds lika a pipe dream. What are you smoking? What expansion? There are not enough talent in Australia to fill the existing teams’ roasters. The quality of football is just dismal. Nobody wants to watch it – attendances are at record lows and dropping. Expansion will only make it worse. Sure, there are plenty of operators willing to take a punt on a new team, but it will never fly financially. Of course, it is attractive to pocket those licence fees when the money is tight. But that would be shortsited if done at the cost of overall quality of the product. History of professional sports is littered with rush overexpansions followed by collapse of spectator interest. A-league should not go down this path. It will kill it for sure.

Who's next for A-League expansion?

Forget about that stupid Premier League argument. That is just such red herring. One or ten, who cares? Both numbers are so small as to be more or less completely random and meaningless. But tell me, do you, or anyone else, honestly believe that quality of Ausralian born and trained players did not drop off noticeably? How can anyone watching them play say that they are just as good now? If that is what the Australian Football bosses believe too you can forget about improving the game in Australia.

Anyone bemoaning the lack of Aussies in the English Premier League is missing the point
