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Roar Rookie

Joined April 2019









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…like a lot of Christians…

Tah-Tah, Izzy: Rugby Australia, NSW Rugby confirm they'll sack Folau

No, Australia will not be in dire straits if idiots are stopped from making inflammatory comments.

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Son, I would love you to site your information source, you do that and I will show you a scientist that got his/her PhD from the university of neverland…

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

This is far more serious than that innocent dear Jeremy, I’ll give you some dots, see if you can join them, 70’s to 90’s, Catholics, Protestants, Northern Ireland, +- 3500 killed…You cannot just jump on a podium and start condemning left right and center my friend, I might take offence and take some sort of action, as according to you, it’s my right not???

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Rob my good man, I think HE should learn to show some respect…we living in complex times, there’s a myriad of beliefs and “gods” out there, there are some terrible things in HIS bible if we interpret all literally based on today’s social norms, do we go about killing all we suspect of something by stoning????????????????? You got one thing right, show some respect…

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

taylorman, scoring 20 tries and costing 25 still puts him at-5….as a team member and a total rugby player he is absolutely useless, almost every try he scored could have been scored by at least one other player (look at the footage of tries scored by him, they almost NEVER individual effort, easy soft tries), he is a tall athletic person, granted, good under the high ball, but that’s it…its like saying a guy that can drive 300m is a good golfer :-))

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Well said Matt

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

oops, both neuroooons fired again!

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Excuse me?? did both your neurons just fired at once?

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Brian, I would love to hear your opinion on other free speechers, say for example, Sen F Anning recently, are we selective who can and what constitute free speech? Folau actively attacks all that does not holds his views (that has caused death and destruction for millennia), whether from a bible or upbringing, still his views, Anning merely pointed out that perhaps borders should be better protected….. I’m not defending the one over the other, just DEFINE free speech please!

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Jacko, I suggest the guy is actually excluding himself not???

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views

Daniel, I will not comment on his tweets and the value of his self-righteous opinions, but that he can be EASILY replaced by a number of players I agree. Probably the most overrated player in the team, walking onto and off the field after 80 min still looking like a fashion mag front cover, even hair do still in place, very selective and calculated when, where and what to engage during a match, only looking at the flashy options, as illustrated by his attention seeking comments, why not just keep them to himself?

Rugby union would be a more inclusive, kinder place without Israel Folau and his backwards views
