The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined March 2022









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I know this will sound plain crazy, but if they flop on Tuesday night how about the FFA approach Guus Hiddink to take over.
I’m not even sure if I am serious myself, so I will forgive anyone who laughs at this idea.
Crazy ideas sometimes get results.
He has been one of the worlds best managers, and as such he could coach any team, whether its youth, seniors, national teams or The Matildas. The know how is all the same. I bet he could make the Matildas a very solid team and anything is possible after that. He can only say no … but he may just like one last challenge.

Can the Matildas win the World Cup under Tony Gustavsson?

A lot of off the mark comments put forward here.
The main difference between this campaign and previous ones is the Thursday followed by Tuesday matches.
Not only has this impacted our teams preparation by virtually arriving in Australia 1-2 days, but also impacted the attendances ( prior to Covid crowds were down).
Where is the home advantage with this schedule?
The FA has to challenge future schedules.
I don’t enjoy Arnold’s method of managing OUR team and my worst fears when he was appointed, have come true.
However, here we are, at the point of no return and we have to all give 100%, fans included.
Lets not forget only weeks ago a little country called North Macedonia knocked out mighty Italy who are the current Euro champions.
Of course just like Peru, Italy are far superior, but on a one off match anything can happen and Italy are out.
Anything can happen over 90 mins.
Australia and its fans must not lose the game before it even starts.
Go for it Australia, give it everything.
We will be watching with fingers crossed.

Watching the Socceroos? It's time to suspend all doubt and just believe
