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Roar Rookie

Joined March 2019









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Someone need sot sort Finau out. Big shot really hard, delivered where it will hurt and hurt and hurt.
Plus a yellow card moving to a red card for added incentive.
He is not running a fine line, he is cheating and deserves a sentence.

'Purely coincidental': Chiefs coach defends bruiser after ANOTHER late shot leaves Tah flattened - but was it legal?

No arms, late, yellow card.

'Purely coincidental': Chiefs coach defends bruiser after ANOTHER late shot leaves Tah flattened - but was it legal?

IMO I would be using Teddy Wilson for every game of the Waratahs. He is superior to the tired and hapless Gordon and has a real rugby brain. Darren Coleman is stuck with Gordon for his supposed leadership value. Crazy.

Olympics calling? Son of a gun called up for Singapore Sevens, Walsh loses gun experienced duo in test of depth

Back in the good old days we would have just ironed Finau out in a ruck within the next 20-30 minutes. Usually we would ‘iron’ them out well enough so they had to go off and wouldn’t come back on until next week. That usually sorted it for everyone.
I miss those days…

'What you permit, you promote': Reds slam late 'cheap shot', HMP set to start ahead of Lynagh in Rebels grudge match

Gordon was terrible and Gleeson just needs to get his act together.

'Wealth of knowledge': The 600km road trip Schmidt took to meet Wallabies stars ahead of Super Rugby launch

part of the plan Scotty D

RA set to sign World Rugby's HP director - and he could help land Joe Schmidt as Wallabies coach

Davis was hopeless as NSW Chair. Big ego, not particularly fair-minded and took all the glory with not much effort.

'Thank f--k': Why RA's new chairman has brought 'hope at last' - and won't be scared of tough calls

I doubt it.

Humility cuts both ways: Brett Clark and the QRU deserve the same scrutiny as Hamish McLennan

I think you miss the point entirely… but that’s OK, let’s see the results in 3-5 years, then we will be in real trouble. Brought on by the selfishness and pigheadedness of people like Clarke and states like QLD.

Humility cuts both ways: Brett Clark and the QRU deserve the same scrutiny as Hamish McLennan

I think you will find he has already donated significant funds to RA, plus a huge investment into WA Rugby. And plenty of moral support, I am not sure what else he can do at this stage!

COMMENT: 'Best interests of the game'? Hamish's dummy spit proves RA was right to cut him loose

I understand Cadbury are working on signing for a further period of time.

'Always knew it would get really ugly': RA chief's strange admission as World Cup budget blow out revealed


Eddie's painful reminder of what might have been at World Cup as big name Wallabies star despite Baabaas defeat

Totally agree with you Noodles. It would have been a far more assured performance in every game rather than the amateurish performances we witnessed.

Eddie's painful reminder of what might have been at World Cup as big name Wallabies star despite Baabaas defeat

Tom Hooper is a likeable fella and a big body, but he is not an international player and probably never will be. He just doesn’t have the smarts or skill set.

Eddie's painful reminder of what might have been at World Cup as big name Wallabies star despite Baabaas defeat

Hoops did a lot around the paddock, perhaps you don’t know what to exactly look for with the work he does on and off the ball. Anyway, not a big deal, however he would have been huge support for the Wallabies in the WC and was sorely missed. Even if he just came off the bench it would have made a big difference.

Eddie's painful reminder of what might have been at World Cup as big name Wallabies star despite Baabaas defeat

So true.

Eight crucial lessons Wallabies must learn from the RWC quarter-finalists

Great article Harry. Thank you.

Eight crucial lessons Wallabies must learn from the RWC quarter-finalists

The Springboks Captain’s words are admirable and I know he is thinking of SA, but when a country is full of thieves, corruption and poor Government it is difficult to reconcile the fact people are out of work because the country is doing it tough. Everything which has happened to SA is self-inflicted!

SPIRO ZAVOS: 'Crazy brave' Boks are a team for the ages - but key decisions cleared their path to glory

Jones is now a big liability.
Who can trust him? Certainly not the fans or the general public. We have all lost faith in the Wallabies and RA. How long does it take to win this back? The died in the wool fans (like me) are hugely disappointed… and I want to see the Wallabies get ahead, but not with Jones… or McLennan for that matter.

COMMENT: RA wanted a Pitbull to bring back some snarl to the Wallabies - Eddie rolled over for a tummy tickle

Agree Don.
Poor preparation for each of our key games in the WC. We were out-thought, out-muscled, and basics like defence and attack were a mishmash.
Clearly the assistant coaches had no idea and little time to prep the team, but I just don’t understand why we didn’t stick to basics and deliver what was required.
Key to the issue was player selection, I am still gob-smacked at Donaldson being selected at all, let alone in place of Kellaway and then at 10. On this premise alone Jones should be sacked.

COMMENT: RA wanted a Pitbull to bring back some snarl to the Wallabies - Eddie rolled over for a tummy tickle

I think the refereeing was pretty damn good overall. Big fast games, calls made in the moment, but in the end we want consistency. Then the team who adjusts to that the best will get the rub of the green. Example: Boks vs. Les Bleus, OK was allowing the game to flow by not being picky at the rucks and mauls, Boks saw this and went for it, whilst the French played their traditional game.
What I didn’t like was the continual offside play by the English team and it not being picked up. Commentators saying how fast their line speed was, well of course its fast if you stand 1-2 metres offside!

Good, the Bad, the Eddie: Bok hails AB for 'best display I've ever seen', Kolbe confounds, 'classless' Rieko claim

apparently $1.2 Million per year is the offer from Japan. And they love him.

REPORT: Eddie Jones to quit Wallabies and join Japan as head coach

Very fair comment and I agree. You do need the forwards going forward… and that was not happening.

WALLABIES REPORT CARD: 'F--k mate, what didn't go wrong?'- Few pass marks and an F for Eddie in Pool C disaster

Totally agree with you ITFS. CG could only improve with more game time. Donaldson was NOT the answer, I am so unimpressed having Donaldson on the field, he can’t defend, still missed goals and has no presence. Kellaway was far more impressive then D or Vuni. The overall defence in the backs was depressing, it just didn’t work.

WALLABIES REPORT CARD: 'F--k mate, what didn't go wrong?'- Few pass marks and an F for Eddie in Pool C disaster


Exclusive: Negotiations to lure NRL star to Wallabies fall over
