The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined September 2017







Rugba Leeg nerd with some cricket and union in between.



Hoochmonger hasn't published any posts yet

But… it is a success. It is bigger than ever. The past two Cups were practically rebuilding comps, with 2013 particularly being successful. It’s good ot see you keep missing my point about increasing success and its effects. Enough with that true fan rubbish as well. ‘True’ fans would appreciate more than their own backyard mate.

The World Cup can save us from an annus mediocre - if we let it

Gotta give Ted a smidgen of credit for maintaining all the listening to reason of a brick wall all night. The pride of the players featuring for their heritage build the spectacle of the comp, and quality of the games. Once more, further success and good footy from said int. teams = more native kids wanting to play.

The World Cup can save us from an annus mediocre - if we let it

I’ve known of a Tas competition that’s been running for a while, how’s it rolling? Sorry if I seem a bit flip-floppy opinion wise on this (still Josh btw), simply lacking strong info on the matter.

The World Cup can save us from an annus mediocre - if we let it

You’re the one that brought up those nations mate, as though they were manufactured nations with no prior league passion. Felt the need to bring you up on it.

The World Cup can save us from an annus mediocre - if we let it
