The Roar
The Roar

Justin Curran

Roar Rookie

Joined June 2012









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Worrying signs for Froomes rivals. Contador was able to stick to the wheel last night but will he have the guns to take time on Froome in the mountain stages? And we are yet to see any signs from Nibali that he is about to re capture the kind of form required to challenge these guys.

Froome and Contador look a class above at the Dauphine

Thanks Ronan for finally bringing some heat onto Tom Scully and away from Jack Watts. Jack has been copping heat from day 1 and yet Tom was taken at number 1 only the year after him in 2009. Somehow he has managed to fly under the radar and has not generated as much interest from the Melbourne media. At least Jack Watts is finally having some influence on games this year.

Greater Western Sydney must regret Tom Scully investment

Porte will have to leave Sky when his current contract expires to get his chance. I wonder where he will go that will provide him with a credible chance to compete at the tour?

Who do we follow when Evans is gone?

Why Matt White thinks Wiggo would be a good fit for OGE baffles me.

If Wiggo misses the 2014 Tour he only has himself to blame

Thanks for writing this article Cameron. As a Melbourne supporter, I am in agreement that we can no longer be pencilled in as an easy 4 points by the rest of the competition. I also concede that we have not beaten any top teams this year. But any team in the competition would now know that they need to turn up to play against us. The midfield is starting to look good, with Viney, Dyson and Salem looking excellent. Not sold on Toumpas yet, and Trengove needs to come back and realise his potential. I think we will look for further key position forwards and backs this year at the draft to increase our depth there particularly with the likely departure of Frawley. All in all some positive signs and looking forward to the next few years.

The Demons deserve more credit

I hope so. I have doubts about Porte joining OGE however. When asked about joining the Australian outfit in the past he has seemed decidedly lukewarm about the prospect.

Bring Rohan Dennis to Orica-GreenEDGE

Ethics and fair play aside? Surely you don’t feel Evans and BMC should have waited? Or has there been some other mischief?

Evans above in Giro - but for how much longer?

Can I also add that is there anyone involved in world cycling that knows how to celebrate better than Matt White? I watch the OGE backstage pass just to see his crazy in the team car celebrations!

Five things we've learned at the Giro so far

Wow I have lost track of how many times I have said wow under my breath watching OGE at this Giro. I distinctly remember watching them closely in their first year as a world tour team when they discovered how hard it was to win stages at the grand tours. I remember Goss did a Bradbury at the Giro, and then they won doughnuts at the Tour. But then they had their break through TDF last year which they have followed up brilliantly at this Giro. And here I was only a few weeks ago beginning to get worried about their lean season. I now believe they could put the bikes in the rack and declare this season a success already.

Five things we've learned at the Giro so far

Great to watch Matthews and Cadel in such great form. Certainly looks like Cadel’s Giro to lose now. Quintana will have to find his legs soon and hope Cadel blows up in the Dolomites.

Winners and losers from a tough Giro

I wonder how long we will have to wait for Cam Meyer to start producing some results. I have read over the years that he is a future grand tour rider but I haven’t seen any evidence of that yet.

Aussie cyclists at the Giro D'Italia

Interesting comment you made on Twitter Tim about lots of retweets and favourites but no comments on The Roar. Why do you think that is? I don’t know the first thing about women’s cycling but I must say the organisers of the tour sound like they have done a great job. I have heard of Vos but didn’t know she was so dominant. Do you think having one rider who is so dominant is detrimental to women’s cycling in general? If Chris Froome was winning all the Classics as well as the grand tours I would probably tune out.

Women's Tour is a big step towards equality

It is a difficult argument to settle because they are different types of rider. I think it is unfair on Gerrans to say he is not as good as Evans because he could never win the Tour. Evans is an excellent stage racer and Gerrans an excellent classics rider. In terms of pure ability, I would agree that Evans is by far the best. But in terms of pure results I would place them a lot closer than you do. And a win in the Giro del Trentino does not come close to a victory at Liege-Bastogne-Liege.

Who is the greatest rider in Australian cycling?

Unless he is money hungry, I can’t see why Gerrans would leave Orica-Greenedge. There seems to be a great spirit in the team and I have never felt he is unhappy there. Not to mention he has enjoyed the best results of his career wearing the OGE jersey. Strange comments to make that he is ‘on the market.’ Perhaps he is just putting pressure on for more dollars?

Orica-GreenEDGE need to keep Gerrans in the saddle

By the way I particularly liked the way you slipped in the EPO tour of california.

Cavendish is back, but is the great man racing scared?

I think Cav is pretty keen to wear to yellow jersey also. It is one of the few things he hasn’t yet achieved in his glittering career to date.

Cavendish is back, but is the great man racing scared?

What more can one say about Simon Gerrans? I remember thinking he didn’t look like he had good legs earlier in the race, when he kept dropping back from the front of the bunch. But apparently i was wrong. He has an uncanny knack of winning the races that he targets.

Simon Gerrans makes Liege history for those still awake

You may be right and I am certain you know more about cycling than me. I just can’t help remembering a time when many people were writing that Wiggins would never win a grand tour. So he does have a habit of surprising people.

Why Wiggins will be foiled by cobblestones

Wow that was an awesome race! Only just finished the replay this morning. My only (slight) disappointment was that Cancellara didn’t have the legs to really drop the hammer.

Terpstra didn't win Paris-Roubaix, Sagan and Boonen lost it

You know Tim, I was shortly going to send a request to you for an article about the struggling boys in green and white. I have hardly seen an OGE jersey on my television screens since the TDU, and I was wondering what was going wrong. Perhaps the team with lots of good opportunists is starting to get pushed around by the big teams with the big name riders. I am also waiting for the next article entitled ‘where to now for Matt Goss?’

Is it time to worry about Orica-GreenEDGE’s results?

Well so far so good for Sagan at E3 Harelbeke so maybe he can gate crash the Cancellara/boonen show after all. Cancellara’s chances were affected when he got held up by a crash, and he was never able to get back to the lead group. Boonen was just underdone, so it will be interested to see if he can bring top form to the Tour of Flanders. Should all make for interesting racing on the cobbles in April.

Can Peter Sagan gatecrash the Cancellara/Boonen Classics Show?

Wouldn’t it be great if the natural order was completely turned upside down this year? AFL has become too predictable in the last few years, with few surprises in the top 8 each year. I’d love to see GWS, Gold Coast and Port (again)make the finals at the expense of some the established Melbourne clubs. And while I’m at it, i can always dream that my poor old Demons might perform some miracles this year also!

AFL Round 1: More questions than answers

Please stop writing articles about Lance Armstrong. Regards, Everybody.

When will we be told what really happened with Lance Armstrong?

I don’t know what you think Tim, but It seems to me that Nibali and Astana are the only team that seems likely to challenge the Sky juggernaut. I can confirm from recent experience that one’s first baby is undoubtedly a distraction. Whether or not Nibali can have an adequate preparation for the tour remains to be seen. If he isn’t firing on all cylinders come July we may see another uni dimensional tour.

Who’s afraid of Christopher Froome?

Should be a great battle. Sean, I note that you didn’t mention Griepel in your article. Do you think that he is no longer in the class of Cav and Kittel?

Will Renshaw's return really make Cavendish untouchable?
