The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined September 2021









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So Nic what’s Rennie to do now without Kervei and no ideal like for like replacement? How do you think the game plan will change?

Who’s your replacement for Kervei assuming Paisami is not the answer? Perese certainly has the power and go forward but no experience at 12. Maybe Foketi?

Interested to read your thoughts .

How the Wallabies overcame excessive blockages in Oita

I don’t mind the maul as it requires a lot of cohesion and teamwork to get it right.

Defending it look to the Brumbies and McKellar. They aim to fracture the maul by having their guys on the sides pull off 1 or 2 of the attacking forwards. This allows, usually Swain, to move through the gap created to get hands on the ball carrier before his guy has completely broken off. Even if Swain or another forward hasn’t taken advantage of the gap created the attacking maul is depowered by losing two of its forwards to one defender.

Further unless the law has changed and I’m not aware of it, it’s illegal for anyone to join the maul in front of the ball carrier or swim forward of the ball carrier. This happens in every maul. Refs just don’t police it. If they did it would be much more difficult to maul effectively.

And I agree that allowing players that weren’t part of the lineout to join should be outlawed immediately.

Use it? Lose it! A simple way to fix rugby's much-maligned maul

I think one of the key differences between having QC at 10 and not NL is how Hooper was making decisions when receiving a penalty or a break in play.

With NL playing Hooper wouldn’t consult him on whats happening next but quickly made the calls himself. Result was things looked rushed and not everyone knew what was going to happen for the next few phases.

With QC out there Hooper without fail always sort him out during breaks in play for a quick discussion and took time in making decisions. I think this extra time in decision making really helped the team to calm down, get the message to everyone on what’s happening next and get focused.

Having QC out there with his experience and game management is really a benefit to Hooper as the captain and the team looked much more composed than I’ve seen in many years.

Rugby Championship turnaround: What a difference a Quade makes

Don’t forget Dylan Alcock!

'I love you brother': Quade's beautiful exchange with Sonny Bill after Wallabies heroics

Why does Rennie prefer Swinton over Wilson? Swinton’s skills are pretty limited to defensive work only. His ability to pass, break or bend the line is way inferior to Wilson.

Doesn’t a backrow of Wilson, Valentini, Hooper with Samu on the bench offer what Rennie is after ? Physicality, on ball presence and good ball runners?

Coach’s Corner Issue 25: Is defence really the best means of attack?

Lolesio is cooked, he needs a break. Big ask for a young kid to play 3 tight games against the French, then wiped by the ABs, to then back up immediately to play the Boks who will give him even less time and space. Better and more experienced 10s have been unable to crack open the Boks so I think for Lolesio‘s confidence a rest is the right move.

CONFIRMED: Quade Cooper returns for Wallabies at No.10, Rodda starts, two debutants
