The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined December 2010









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From an English viewpoint, if you think it’s bad now, look forward … how many of the current Australian team will be GUARANTEED picks in two years? Clarke. Maybe Watson, if you keep picking an opener who gets out when set. Anyone else? No. Now look at the English team, same question could feasibly give you Cook, Trott, Pietersen, Bell, Broad, Swann, Anderson, Finn, and you could make an argument for Strauss and Prior. That leaves Collingwood as the only definite change, largely down to age. Therein lies your problem going forward.

Coming back to the here and now, you’re crazy if you think an Ashes series is a good time to blood newbies, so you need to bring experienced (Test) players in to replace Katich, Doherty (why was he ever picked?) and maybe one of the other bowlers. So who’ve you got? Openers? Quicks? Spinners? Either youngsters who’ve not played any/many Tests, or failures, or ageing players who’ve never been good enough in the past, so why now. The failure to my mind lies with a lack of succession planning, players (particularly batsmen) haven’t been blooded in the last two years. England got lucky in 2009 with Trott in the last Test, can Australia do the same?

England takes Ashes lead, Katich out of series
