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The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined May 2023









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THis is a stellar article finally telling it how it is. I got a concussion and never recovered, not sport related, but what I found was atrocious unkowing doctors who don’t know how to treat the condition when it doesn’t get better, other than take a few weeks they don’t know anything. I searched and searched being gaslighted at every turn, then I finally met the doctors involved in research who were able to diagnose many of the post concussion symptoms i had, when I sighed with releif I said to the doc ‘it took me 8 monghts to find you why is it so hard’ she said they’d tried getting a concussion clinic open but it fell down due to politics, I joked and said oh what the nrl, to which she said yes and afl and union, I was aghast, I get they wanted the issue out of the media, but to fight us getting treatment, I never imagined they could go so low, then I realised they don’t want us to have treatment because that way there is no medical data on how common, disableing and permanenent our problems are, so they keep the public in the dark and work hard to keep the medical fraternity in the dark also. So I fight and figh them, telling people all this who look at me like a crazy conscpiracy theorist, at least now when I fight I ‘ll just post this iarticle it has it all and all I’ve said and also at least this is validation of all I say. I lobby now politicians for better concussion treatment and even first aid inclusion about it, as a former teacher we never even learned about it and that is weird considerinf if the department thought they could be sued for any reason they’d train us in how to deal with it, but not concussion and considering concussion is like the top injury that occurs in schools, it is where I got mine, this is a staggering omission that I believe only exists again, because the lobby power of football does not want the department educating teachers, pupils and parents on how serious concussion is.

Hiding behind the concussion industry: The NRL’s ticking time bomb

Oh and using the word head knocks is another way they are trying to avoid avoid algorythms in search engines, people search the word concussion, not head knocks. People are attuned to the word concussion, it’s everywhere these days, so by changing the word they hope they fly under the radar some more.

'So popular that even this issue can’t touch it': Will the Senate concussion committee be a missed opportunity?

Hi Geoff. YOur nrl ticking time bomb article was stellar. I’ve been fighting them for years, I was disabled by a concussion, not sport related, but the interference they pull meant doctors knew nothing, nor does the public and it stiffles our ability to get medical help, I was told how they interfere by researchers even fighting the opening of concussion clinics. I couldn’t believe it I didn’t think they would go so far as to prevent us getting treatment but then I realised no treatment means no data and no evidence of a problem. so I resolved to take them on anyway I could. No one seems to care, they don’t want to hear the inconvenient truth but at least I have your article that backs up everything I’ve uncovered and say. Yes I think this will end up being a missed opportunity, I believe politics are on the side of football. I have lobbied them endlessley stating concussion training should be part of first aid and staff training in schools, pointing out how the educative literature was inadequate, I mean most never mention 1 concussion can cause long term of permanent disability at a rate of 25=30 percent (see article post concussion syndrome not everyone recovers journal of neurotrauma) it’s not as low as they make out, literature rarely ever mentions that second impact syndrome (getting a concussion on top of a concussion) can kill you via catastrophic brain swelling and so on, as you said before they make out it always heals and is transient, completely igoring we who have been made disabled by a concussion and put out of life and work.

'So popular that even this issue can’t touch it': Will the Senate concussion committee be a missed opportunity?
