The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined April 2013









Lee hasn't published any posts yet

Do you think Trott would even bother playing anything a foot outside off?

How we can dismiss each English batsmen

I always figured this was a distinct possibility if the Lions won – now the Welsh know that they can beat the Aussies.

'Boof' and 'Link' suddenly brighten Australia's future

Uncovering yet another conspiracy against Australian rugby.
Britain was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.
This has directly caused increased urban development, industrialisation, and excessive burning of fossil fuels.
This has resulted in climate change.
Which has caused the massive amount of rain in Sydney this week.
Which will obviously favour the boring Lions game plan rather than the incredibly attractive Wallabies, who would never dream of winning a game by kicking penalties.
See, it all makes sense and only took 200 years for the cunning plan to come to fruition.

Be honest, this makes as much sense as some of the theories that have been published elsewhere.

Horwill forced to wait for appeal decision - no news yet

I can only assume that there is an Australia-wide shortage of tin foil at the moment, given the number of contributors here who are obviously using it for hats.

SPIRO'S Lions Diary: IRB is throwing James Horwill to the Lions to get him banned

For those thinking that the players should escape suspension because the club gave the drugs to them, surely this just means the club itself must be sanctioned (and not just financially, as any huge fine will just be made up by AFL equaliosation funds anyway)

Bombers star admits taking banned drug

Don’t you need to know your six-times table for that?

UPDATE: Blake Ferguson charged, suspended by NRL - will miss Origin

Not sure where the 24k average for the super rugby comes from.
None of the games I’ve been to have been above 21K, and most have been about 16K.

Which, lets face it, is pathetic.

Which code and team deserves the new Sydney Stadium?
