The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined January 2009









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How hard would it have been for the tournament to take his beliefs into account when deciding the draw?

God and goalposts: Euan Murray's dilemma

I believe Rod McQueen was re-appointed six months before the 1999 world cup.

Good news is that O'Neill, Deans will stay until 2013

If Kaplan is a senior ref then it would follow that he would get senior games. These would have to be more difficult games for the Tahs to win. So the stats may not be as skewed as many believe. It would need a match by match review showing their relative positions on the ladder and maybe their bookmaker odds to show who was expected to win to prove anything.

Arrogant Kaplan should not be refereeing the Tahs

How did we ever survive before the interchange rule! It’s a blight on the game and always has been. We have lost a whole style of forward because of it and ended up with 20 minute specialists. Can it all together I say.

Don't change the NRL interchange system

Their were plenty of angry Waratahs on the internet last night. So I don’t know where your new supporters were coming from that game. The Chiefs have a weak scrum so it’s no wonder NSW dominated. I am not a supporter and I can’t see why so many fans are ripping into them while they are winning.

Waratahs beat Chiefs to join Reds at top of conference

Sorry missed that one.

Wallabies form team after five Super rounds

Amazing that the team winning the Australian conference apparently doesn’t have the form player in any position. and can only manage one player in position started.

Wallabies form team after five Super rounds

I was agreeing until you had a go about the Kiwi’s playing here. A very big percentage of south east Queenslanders are of Kiwi and PI decent. Of course a lot of them play Rugby and of course they will end up playing for the Reds and Wallabies if they are good enough. Mike Harris is an exception because he is 99% Kiwi. but most of the others lived here before their Rugby careers. New Zealand can’t keep trying to claim every good player who grew up in another country as theirs. even if they were born there.

It's back to basics for Australian rugby

A bit harsh to blame all of it on Ponting. The selection of out of form batsmen and an inexperienced bowling line up compound his poor decisions. I can’t see anything Clarke has done showing he would be any better and on current form he seems to be lucky to be playing at all.

Ponting: time for the captain to go

I was under the impression that Steyn was unavailable?

Springboks get a taste of humble pie

I’ll back him! Paddy you didn’t like what happened to Johns and as soon as you saw your chance to have a go at him you grabbed it with glee. It says a lot more about you than it says about Tahu

What was Timana Tahu thinking?

Just imagine him at the Reds! If only he had held his nerve.

What to do about a problem like Rocky?

Toughen up princess

Hasler rants as Sea Eagles implode

I’d go as far to say “He is a legend in the game”

Jarryd Hayne to win Jarryd Hayne Medal for Greatness

Of Course it is the ARL’s Business they have to approve all player contracts.

Tell us why Lote, or don't play in the NRL, says Gallop

Perhaps a couple of simple tweaks would help
1. You have to score points to get a bonus point.
2. only 1 Bonus point available for losing sides or
only 5 (or 6) points available for each game and the winning team gets first shot

Should bonus points be booted from Super Rugby?

The not being able to replace your last injured prop seems like a great solution! but having a free kick instead only allows more players to get back in the defensive line. Perhaps the team who can’t supply a prop should have to lie on the ground in scrum formation.
And all hookers should be able to prop and Props should hook.

Uncontested scrums are a blight on the game
