The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined September 2023









MasterSergeant hasn't published any posts yet

Good article HJ, I flagged exactly the same in comments 3 weeks ago. O’Gara would be the best fit for WBs in respect of clarity of game, and deep thinking. He is a coach who understands not just the game itself, but the positive effect of team culture and what it can do to lift performance metrics. The things you can measure like strength, cardio fitness, power, stamina, fitness are critically important but so is the state of mind. When a team of individuals are genuinely aligned and receptive to the leadership vision, it has been shown to increase performance by as much as 20%, even before a step is taken on the training field. The players have during the last 3-5 years exhibited behaviour similar to being out of sorts, a bit like my Schnauser who after retrieving the ball looks straight at me saying have I done the right thing, are you sure, are you sure… it’s a state of flux with inherent elements of anxiety and frustration ( dog owners will know exactly what I’m talking about). It’s a silly example I know, but the point being this is not how we want OUR national representatives to feel, once selected they must be confident in the support they are being given. Shackling the mind, shackles the performance! Wayne Smith will not come across, but we do have our very own Aussie version in Rod McQueen. Age difference is barely 7 years between them, their rugby playing and coaching days are roughly from the same generation. It would be well worthwhile exploring RM as an option. Lastly your comments in regard to the so called lack of resources are spot on, the nations you mentioned have neither the financial resources or the playing pool and still outperformed many of the resource and opportunity rich nations like Australia, Scotland and Italy. Make no mistake the talent in Australia is immense, but we do need to be better at talent identification and then providing meaningful development pathways through local systems. There is also a huge pool of talent right next door, NZ players who do not make the cut to NZ SRP teams and beyond should be on the RA radar. Think Taniela, Charlie Gamble… I know of at least a dozen NZ raised players coming through Shute Shield colts who are exceptional! I’m not advocating we ignore the local talent pool, but we can be innovative. For all the discussion surrounding the failure of the national rugby landscape, the solution could almost be summed up in one word… COLLABORATION (don’t you just love that word). If we can just somehow find a way to work together the lions tour, and subsequent 3 world cups suddenly become very realistic goals. Like the great movie Field of Dreams implied, ‘Build it and they will come’.

RA must not fixate on an Aussie coach - why Ronan O'Gara is best choice to lead Wallabies after the Eddie calamity

RA should do what they can to secure Joe. He would be an excellent cultural and performance fit, having been largely responsible for the many first achievements & standards of the Irish team over the last decade.
Make no mistake this is a coach who knows the game inside out, and will add experienced based thought, clarity, vision and application similar to the legendary NZ ‘professor’ Wayne Smith.
Joe is a coach of maturity and experience, and will bring something that has been missing in the Oz setup-wisdom!

How McLennan departure could help Wallabies land ex-Ireland, All Blacks coach as Eddie's replacement

There are a number of 101 tenets that form the foundation for good business:
Customer Focus: Or prioritising the customer (rugby public) satisfaction.
Integrity and Ethics: Conducting business with honesty and high ethics.
Innovation: Continuously improving and innovating.
Financial Management: Prudent financial management.
Employee Engagement and Respect: Valuing and investing in employees and players .
Social Responsibility: Committing to friendly practices by contributing to the wider rugby community and beyond.
Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable to global market changes.
Effective Communication: Clear and transparent communication with stakeholders, employees, and customers (public).
Strategic Planning and Execution: Setting clear goals and effectively executing strategies.
My fencing contractor knows everyone of these back to front, but it seems HM did not. If DH sticks to what’s tried and proven he will do well.
As a wise man once said, “Not all problems can be solved by the keenest intellect; wisdom and understanding often surpass the sharpest mind.”
Never a more truthful word spoken than in this instance.
GRTBR. The past 9 month chapter is now officially dead and buried, bring on the future!!

'What a shame': McLennan GONE as Rugby Australia name World Cup-winner chairman to bookend wild year

They should be seriously considering Ronan O Gara.
Several years with Scott Robertson at the Crusaders so he has title winning experience and will understand the ANZ super competition very well. He will also have a very good understanding of the NZ rugby mentality and what lies in store during Robbos upcoming tenure.
It’s not a fluke that his rugby nous has given La Rochelle the last two titles with several Aussies and the current captain in the team. Odds on Skelton would be an advocate if asked. Apparently he is very well respected by players and is a deep thinker of the game.
Watch his short interview on you tube during the World Cup where he speaks of attacking and defensive structures. Very insightful and will have been missed by those who are not coaches.
Will also know the Aussie contingent very well.
He will be an international coach very shortly, just a matter of where.

'That's one of the options': Foster admits Test coaching return possible as he reacts to Wallabies link

No one on this thread has considered or put forward Mick Byrne?
World cup winner himself with one of the best teams of all time no less.

Did good things with the Drua, and will in some part be responsible for why Fiji did so well at the RWC.

Surely he has to be in the conversation?

Exclusive: Path clear for McKellar to return as Wallabies coach despite Leicester job, Cheika's update on future

There is too much finger pointing and blaming happening within the circles of Australian Rugby!
Fiji Argentina Samoa Tonga have 5% of the incredible school and development resources available to the Australian rugby community and they are still nations that can not only compete but beat the WBs on a good day. And nothing is ever heard from these nations about their grass root systems, just give us more games.

The school system is incredibly solid, all of Qld private, all of NSW private, the boys coming out of Vic and WA are incredibly talented. Aren’t we all fed up of the articles disparaging the young future players, when one only needs to attend the Joeys/Kings derby with 8 thousand spectators to understand the passion and interest in our game. There are thousands of officials and volunteers and high quality coaches working hard every weekend with players and clubs who are involved in the grass roots systems, and we need to give them the respect they deserve rather than criticise from the sideline. The issue is not the cattle it is the retention and development programs that are geared to identification of the 1st XV of the many representative age groups. There are roarers here who will know someone who should be playing higher rep honours but for one reason or another talent scouts have not been able to see the potential, looking to a single performance rather than looking deeper… think Mack Hansen style of player and probably a good half dozen others who have all been overlooked and went elsewhere for opportunity. Think of the endless head office stupidity surrounding the players who have gone to league over the last 20 years, from Angus Crichton to Sualli, there are at least another 20 good examples and all because we refuse to reward a bona fide superstar schoolboy a $75k package whilst still in school. And then turn around 3 years later prepared to throw the kitchen sink… to the detriment of wider rugby development because funds are sucked up to fix a retrospective recruiting debacle!

I’m amazed that we all live in the lucky country with rich player resources and we can’t seem to move forward with logic and and common sense… the old adage about the problem with common sense…. ‘It’s not too common’ …. certainly applies to the nitwits at Moore Park!

Wallabies are where the All Blacks were in 2007 - it's time to look in the mirror or risk more embarrassment

The much over-used proverbial f-bomb… something to the effect “Eddie is working f… ing hard…” really good choice of language that is inspiring to young and old… like their footy… ????

'F--king works so hard, bro': Wallaby star's message to angry fans after World Cup calamity

I’m not upset at all, I am of the opinion our players need to be setting the highest possible example when publicly stating their opinions. When at the world cup has any other player from any other team fronted the media in a semi formal interview dropping f-bombs. Lifting the standards means across the board… on the field and off it.
For the last 5 weeks every roar rookie comment I’ve read speaks of improving standards.

'F--king works so hard, bro': Wallaby star's message to angry fans after World Cup calamity

Samu needs to keep his mouth shut if he can’t talk with some reasonable intelligence and a sprinkling of decency when it comes time to sharing his ‘views’ with the public.

'F--king works so hard, bro': Wallaby star's message to angry fans after World Cup calamity

There is no doubt EJ is totally winging it, changing the narrative as each day and game passes.

His nitwit bosses at AR have no choice except to back him, but it doesn’t change the fact that both factions look silly and foolish for decisions that have been made in haste.

To run the narrative that he is preparing a young group for the 2027 World Cup, when the team is actually AT a World Cup is plain stupidity.

The 4 years in between is plenty of time to prepare a young group.

Think about it, 4 November tours to Europe, 4 Super Pacific tournaments, 4 Tri Nations tournaments and that’s excluding the annual European nations tours to Oz and the Lions series.

Does anyone in this forum seriously think that isn’t enough game to mature a young group?

Within the global business and corporate worlds one of the first things done when a new employee starts is to assign a mentor of some sort. Is rugby at the elite level any different? I would argue absolutely not, and mentors Cooper and Hooper would have been, whilst adding value in the games where they were assigned to the bench or not in the match day 23 at all.

As the French proverb ‘qui s’excuse s’accuse’ implies, he who excuses himself accuses himself. Forget the excuses about building a foundation for 2027.

EJ needs to step up to the plate, admit he made a mistake in regard to some of the selection decisions and the true blue Oz rugby punters will respect that action more than anything. I dare say perhaps even back his so far unbackable plan.

What he cannot do is continue to play the punters for idiots, this reeks of contempt ( however unintentional it might be).

'Clown show', 'such a flog', 'poor form': How Aus rugby reacted to report that Eddie had Japan job interview before RWC

Jamie Joseph…

COMMENT: Eddie must be axed if he can't beat Wales - or the game will be in deep trouble in Australia

Great article , the other thing everyone has missed is the deafening silence from all the ex wallabies who said EJ is the man. Horan, Hoiles, Eales, the list goes on… not as word

COMMENT: Eddie must be axed if he can't beat Wales - or the game will be in deep trouble in Australia
