The Roar
The Roar

Mark Gurry

Roar Rookie

Joined July 2014









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Absolute rubbish. Hird said nothing like that.

AFL finally set aside Essendon ASADA date

Haven’t heard that oone before. Get which tainted plsyers out and which new players in?

If you said prolong things for a few weeks to allow the players to concentrate on finals, it would have made more sense.

I support Essendon. I hate to see them being made a scapegoat. Bit like Melbourne with the tanking.

What gives you such s passion for this case Macca?

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga

This concept of systematic doping implies taking illegal substances in a very organised way. I would regard Lance Armstrong as systematic. He had brilliant governance. Recorded everything apart from the illegal substances .

The way that you describe Danks approach appears to be far from systematic. It is the reverse of systematic. No records of anything .

Your observation and description are contradictory.

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga

Heard the latest. AFLPA requested a speedy hearing from ASADA. Rugby league man McDevitt gave the response that he is not going to be rushed by anybody representing the players.

You mean ASADA is flat out hearing more serious cases. Or have they got RDOs next week.

Will the government please step in, AFL, anybody! Who is this guy accountable to?

Comfortably satisfied should not extend to having a comfortable job with zero urgency.

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga

Why have you got something against Tanya?

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga

You have a very biased opinion against Essendon. Are you really the Pope?

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga

If you took your child to a baby health centre, would you know what they were injected with?

Some more unscathed than others in Essendon saga
