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Roar Rookie

Joined March 2023









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And some of the larger towns close to each other (Bathurst and orange) have lost league players.

Your argument is as ridiculous as the suggestion to put a team in Hamilton.

Four clubs announced for NRL's historic Las Vegas venture: 'On a stage the sport has simply never been on before'

What a lazy response.

Bathurst, Orange, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga, Coffs, port Mac, Tamworth are all regional centres that are growing while rugby league participation numbers are shrinking in all of these towns.

Take your blinkers off.

Four clubs announced for NRL's historic Las Vegas venture: 'On a stage the sport has simply never been on before'

Yeah, but the pivotal 1-3am time slot is vacant for wagering content in America.

Four clubs announced for NRL's historic Las Vegas venture: 'On a stage the sport has simply never been on before'

Right, so their solvency is entirely dependent on what a third party can negotiate for them for a tv deal and then live off the teat.

You aren’t making the compelling case you think you are.

And you’ve just admitted two clubs need pokie money.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Townsville wasn’t 90 minutes down the road from Brisbane either, Nat…

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

It’s also why the government has an international trade department (the T in DFAT) and an agency called Austrade that links extensively with the private sector when expanding overseas.


It’s like you live in a cave where everyone hunts meat, watches rugby league and thinks the players are as brave as soldiers, and the ladies bring you beers, and all the ills of the world pass you by

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Having lived in Auckland for 8 years and travelling regularly around the north island for work at the time.

Being married to one. Raising kids there. Acquiring citizenship by naturalisation there. Still holding an investment property there.

Rugby league is nothing outside of South and West Auckland, and beyond Henderson that’s it.

There is one leagues club in the East, there are just two on the entire north shore/east coast bays.

One of the more established league clubs in West Auckland, the Te Atatu Roosters, plays next to a freeway with a shack as a club house.

Mid decile high schools have better rugby pitches than rugby league clubs.

You are confusing ad hoc matches in Wellington and ChCh as “evidence” of support, when in fact they get crowds largely analogous to when the NRL plays in regional NSW…just people with scarce little else to do having a bit of a fun day out. It’s a novelty. Not genuine support.

The AFL got a bigger crowd at Wellington than the Warriors have ever pulled there. Again, novelty. Not genuine support.

But what would I know.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Should put a team in Geelong on that logic.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Like I said, it’s only two hours south of Auckland, which is the games stronghold in NZ.

So all the people in South Auckland who attend the Warriors at Mt Smart, should instead drive 2 hours down the road to support a different team?

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

It is unreasonable and you’ve proved the point.

You’ve just admitted crowds would be south aucklanders.

Why would they pay $3 a litre to drive down to Hamilton when they can continue supporting the Warriors at Mt Smart?

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

And life will go on, Brett.

You take a selfish view to many things.

Perhaps Perth league fans would like a team to latch on to and have the passion.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Since moving they are above the median.

They were below the median pre move.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

“sports relocation US studies”

Read the 3rd, 4th and 5th suggestions as they come up (at least how they came up on my laptop).

I’m unable to get the links through the mods.

It’s also worth noting that US sports have been steadily relocating for 100 years across a far more geographically diverse population.

Exactly! Indicating that it isn’t actually a big deal and the codes still thrive and fans still watch.

Brett seems to think that if a team left, societal and economic collapse is not far behind.

How, you haven’t identified anything that suggests there was a net gain as a result.

Are the leagues bigger or smaller? They are all bigger. They are all of greater value. Whether they would be of bigger value if teams didn’t relocate, we’ll never know.

But what we know is that the leagues aren’t financially worse off for relocation.

The AFL is not worse off for South Melbourne moving up to Sydney. And while there were some angry members, life went on, and the code got bigger and new fans joined…and in time the old fans reconciled.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation


Yeah, I’ll ask those San Diego fans of what they thought about that team being initially relocated into San Diego from LA and then being relocated back to LA.

Are you sympathetic to all the LA Chargers fans from the 60’s or did you just plumb not know about that?

Your elective revisiting of history is charming.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Yeah, but how are you defining “backwards”? Success on the field, or value of the franchise? Because the ravens is a strange example to cite. They have had onfield success since leaving Cleveland and are valued at $3b. And considering they were $600m when last sold in 2004 (and about $350m when relocated in 1999), that is a sign of a very successful relocation.

Relocation is partly a product of the ownership model, but it still needs to be signed off by the other franchises.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

You are an exception, not a rule.

Plenty of norths fans switched to other teams.

The world isn’t as binary as you pretend it to be.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

For growth of the league? I meant always. And it is always.

As to the other questions, they are irrelevant to the point.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Yes, and no.

When you expand into an existing market, you are going to cannibalise some of the fan base if there is now a team that is closer representation to your geographic area.

It happened when the Cowboys and GC joined, and some Broncos fans in those cities switched allegiance to their local team (and Redcliffe).

Does anyone honestly believe those who follow Redcliffe are all brand new fans who had never – in Queensland no less – not followed rugby league, and not some converts from the Broncos?

When you move into a brand new market, then yes, absolutely you are creating a whole new fan base.

But NZ isn’t a brand new market. It’s a one team market (hence the name NZ Warriors), that has an average following to begin with in the largest city. There’s certainly not enough support in Auckland to warrant a new team, and considering Auckland is 11 times the size of Hamilton, a suggestion that Hamilton could be a potential expansion location is hilarious.

A second NZ team would only eat away at the Warriors.

While I see and support the rationale behind PNG, Perth is clearly the best bet. PNG second, another Brisbane team third.

But I would stop at 18 anyway.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

But you’ve undermined your own example.

OKC has been a success. Seattle fans have remained engaged with the sport, hence a possible expansion back into the city.

them not supporting OKC is irrelevant

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Ah, but it’s the league wide growth that is the key metric. It is the NRL that controls expansion, contraction etc etc.

Does the NRL care if Sydney loses 40k of fans should the Tigers leave, but pick up 60-70k new fans (active and passive) in Perth, plus a whole new TV market?

But sure, some franchise relocations at the franchise levels have not been successes in the US. No doubt there.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

Football supporters the world over don’t want to travel to the cesspit that is the Middle East. You can get locked up for looking sideways. And even then the police as state security have, what would appear, as free license to lock someone up just because they don’t like the look of them. This is the epitome of self-indulgence.

The problem with that comment is it’s narrowness. The fact is people – from other regions of the world – flocked to the Qatar world cup. And a lot of people from the Muslim world enjoyed being present at grounds not awash with beer either.

So, people from a lot of countries would still likely attend an event held by Saudi Arabia.

I personally wouldn’t, but there is cultural diversity for a reason. Not everyone is YOU.

Cross-Country Volleyball?

Keep calling it that. You’re bound to get what you want when you offend all the dual fans like me.

World Cup Diary: Matildas star to miss again, Tony G in frame for US job, Fed Square live site canned

Could have been a clash at training, she could have taken a header in a particular angle.

Balls coming down at 50km/h can damage.

World Cup Diary: Matildas star to miss again, Tony G in frame for US job, Fed Square live site canned

This I agree with.

There is a lot of good things that can come from partnering with Japan on feeder talent etc etc.

But joining up for a world cup bid is just nonsense.

World Cup Diary: Matildas star to miss again, Tony G in frame for US job, Fed Square live site canned

Hard to argue with that. Souths relocating to Perth would be a success so long as the colours and logo was kept.

The Perth Rabbitohs.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation

24 clubs?

In a sport with declining participation rates?

That’s a good laugh.

PNG bid has potential but NRL can’t have further expansion without the three Rs - relocation, relegation or rationalisation
