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Joined October 2021









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Ah how many can say they have read Catch 22 nowadays lol – good call on the book choice Ben.
I would like to raise questions about coaching techniques and S and C …. the reason being that rugby players in this corner are playing less games than the same players in Europe and URC and the intensity in Euro Cup is insane but somehow overall there are less injuries overall …. Im not saying Im right, I’m posturing a thought before anyone gets their knickers in a knot lol

'It's a miracle any player can walk': The Catch-22 that makes rugby a brutal game of chance

im more about the rule has put the favour in the weaker scrum team and they can get away with murder now, dont agree with you that refs will figure it out, there are too many things that they struggle with as is and the rule books keeps getting thicker and thicker …. create one rule and end up with 5 more etras as people start to figure out the loopholes

Scrums banned from free-kicks, 20-min red cards and shotclocks: World Rugby tries to speed up the game

PK, great idea!!!

Scrums banned from free-kicks, 20-min red cards and shotclocks: World Rugby tries to speed up the game

Point!! But then use the shot clock for scrums and speed it up.

Scrums banned from free-kicks, 20-min red cards and shotclocks: World Rugby tries to speed up the game

Jacko dont be mean now, some of us might take offence … lol

Scrums banned from free-kicks, 20-min red cards and shotclocks: World Rugby tries to speed up the game

and if it becomes a penalty then they can opt for a scrum anyway, its a silly not well thought out change

Scrums banned from free-kicks, 20-min red cards and shotclocks: World Rugby tries to speed up the game

Did have a reputation in schools etc and few idiotic Boks ….. overall its improved

'Everyone was dogs': Junior Wallabies roll up their sleeves to beat Springboks in TRC as rising fullback scores twice

lol mate you already wrong its boerewors and pap … dude your comment was vaild 10 yrs ago The Boks are teh most tested rugby team – fact – on the international scene. The rep was bad and duely needed to get tested and held accountable. Ive seen more roids in regional NSW than I even saw in Sydney bru so questions need to be asked here too – this country has serious overall drug issue and roids are part of that

'Everyone was dogs': Junior Wallabies roll up their sleeves to beat Springboks in TRC as rising fullback scores twice

What a stupid thing to say !!! Ignorant and biased and bascially your good old Aussie ethnic bias on display ( that I havent seen on here in many years mind you ) – fokweg doos!!!

'Everyone was dogs': Junior Wallabies roll up their sleeves to beat Springboks in TRC as rising fullback scores twice

This is fantastic article. Interesting responses too.

Australian rugby is so reluctant to develop a kicking game - and that's a big mistake

QF of Fra vs Boks might put your arguement to rest though ….

Australian rugby is so reluctant to develop a kicking game - and that's a big mistake

Harry whats your podcast ?

Scrap the Giteau Law: Rugby Australia should look to Rassie's 'Boks RWC recipe if it wants to re-join the big boys' table

great reply except the second last paragraph 🙂 Sorry I dont have a problem with it and scientifically fatigue is more dangerous to players than sizes and since this country is so into inclusion i would argue that this discussion raised by as well as many others – so not “picking” on you – is exclusive !!!

Finding the right kind of violence: Why rugby has never been harder to play

yeh na! or ja nee!

'I'm a big fan': Kiss throws weight behind Club World Cup as Europe and Super Rugby agree to new tournament

Now now CM lol ???? – but yes I will not be suprised to find many of countrymen pulled over the coals for this stuff . although considering the court system there one wonders if it will ever get through, although if it does get through it will show the influnece rugby is having a the political and judicial system in regards to pull lol.
To be fair to us though, the 2023 WC pulled in a whole new audience of SA’s and one must remember that while Afrikaans is linked to white domination it is used by a wide portion of ppl of various colours/ethnicity in SA – sadly the new audience needs to be educated on the values of rugby and being of upstanding nature…. and some do need to be caught for their efforts of BS that gets put up

And yes Id like some French to be used on this system too ????

Brisbane rugby fan convicted for 'vile and toxic' online abuse of TMO during RWC, as WR goes troll hunting

Thats a pretty shit thing to say tbh! in all directions thats unworthy but its not good enough to ignore the issue and try sweep it with jokes Bodger sorry man

Drua 'shocked at racial abuse' as Lomani faces judiciary over Canham blow

repeating what i heard but believe that is a start

Drua 'shocked at racial abuse' as Lomani faces judiciary over Canham blow

Lomani and Fihi Drua need to lay a charge with the police!!! This type of crap in society let alone sport needs someone somewhere at some point to actually go max on the issue!!! A good lawyer as suggested in another post will get the “fan” off the hook of $313 fine or 1 year in jail but life long bans from all sport stadiums through australia and all sports would be next. And hopefully one day a judge has the balls to ignore the lawyer and do the max effort .

Drua 'shocked at racial abuse' as Lomani faces judiciary over Canham blow

interesting, and lame creation by someone once a upon a time… thank you for the info

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

I dont disagree PK … although it has crossed my mind was there a score to settle or something that happened on field?
But I agree its funny how that kind of violence on the street warrants a crime but not on a sports field ….

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

So this person – or any – can be charged? IS that right? I wonder what the punishment is? in SA if the k-word is used its jail …..

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

So unfortunate to be so close to that, it seemed like ppl got in the perps face but I was interested to see what his friends did or see what they were doing as it seemed he was sitting with others. I really felt sorry for Lomani
I do have a question, are the police called in these situations? Is racism illegal in Au?

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

thats sad to read

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

Its a great comment king!! Funny you raise that as one observes after Rassie was brought back with the help of Supersport many changes happened not just in Bok team structures etc but also have since happened the last 8 yrs in SA Rugby with many changes and developments of “back” office stuff being really good for game in SA and economic decisions being made from business perspective that ive never seen over the post isolation period ever

The Wrap: 'Take them to a dark place' - A quiet round grabs eyeballs for all the wrong reasons

Agree, I have a rule with my young teams I coach whereby bad behaviour will lead to being asked to stand out of training for 10 mins and if its bad enough to leave trainign there and then and will not play game on weekend and can rejoin team following week – no one has tried me out as soon as i brought that in due to some issues ….

'What the hell's going on': Ex-Wallabies question 'losing' culture, pathways at Waratahs
