The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined November 2013







Just a sports fan. Football in winter, cricket in summer. Casual interest in Union and tennis. Limited interest in AFL, soccer and sprinting.



Israel mentioned something about the pending federal anti-religious discrimination bill if you read closely. That was not on the table at the time he got fired and decided to fight. Probably decided that would do the trick rather than an uncertain law case that might be irrelevant even by the time it is decided by the high court due to a federal bill.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Hi Soapit,

Does anyone really want to continue on with this discussion? Deconstruct it if you like, don’t if you don’t want to.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Where is Christianity are you supposed to stone a child to death? Jesus was pretty clear about letting he who is without sin cast the first stone… The whole point is that noone is without sin. If you brought up Hypatia it would at least make sense.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

If a person were to cannibalise to avoid starvation like in the Dudley case, because that is just the way that they are, does that make the behaviour ok?

Alright no more comments I think

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Actually, they are apparently.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Believe the eternal punishment has to come from the act or at least the intent to act. In our most primitive form, it may have been propitious for humans to eat their elderly or young out of hunger desperation, and it could be argued that we are similarly born that way. Like Dudley v Stephens. We are literally born in a certain manner that prioritises continued existence over any social norm, at least at an instinctual level. If you hadn’t eaten in 5 days and do not know where your next meal will come from you’d understand that implicitly. That of cause does not make it right ever. I think that that is the way that Christians view homosexuality.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Train Without a Station,

If the simulation argument of Bergstrom is applied, than there is nothing particularly improbable about there being a God of the simulation, that any of the events of the Old Testament did not happen or that Israel Folau is not just advocating his religion, but something that is logically coherent.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

OK, so God’s word has changed on the matter for the Anglican church since the days of Oscar Wilde?

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

I think former high court judge Kirby said it best when he said a court is always obliged to test a novel law by what would occur if the novelty became common or repeated or is taken to its logical extent.

Now consider that with the Folau case.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Look, ASIO should probably keep a close eye on you. Not your employer’s business really unless it is directly relevant to the job. Or maybe you think that employers should be preventing employees from advocating voting labor. Same thing really. 100%, and people would.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

To be honest, I think it is time that the guys who are running the Shute Shield should take over at least the promotion of the ARU.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

lol 😂 if the values of the ARU are anything other than producing the best possible rugby football to promote the sport, they got problems. Wait they got booted out in the quarter finals of a five horse race, Are being offered about 5% of the money for t.v. rights as their NRL rivals, have alienated a significant section of the population by not adhering to basic liberal principles that underpin Australian society… so wait, I think that they have problems.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Without trying to turn this into a theological debate, according to Christian belief, won’t they?

A lot of people are going to hell for a lot of reasons according to Christian belief.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Hi train without a station,

You mean it does set a precedent in the legal sense. It definitely sets a precedent in the cultural sense that employers can dictate the political discourse and religious discourse of employees. Not everyone can attract a 3 million dollar gofundme campaign for high class lawyers to represent them.

Hi Red Black, yeah I have. Do not think that issue is as important as this.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Agree jameswm, they might have got taken to the cleaners, but tomorrow they get on with business. Israel Folau might have got 500k(who would know or have a clue how much actually), but tomorrow he is still unemployable.

Maybe there was a sweetheart contract offered under the table to play in Catholic Ireland or to be overpaid in the Japanese league? Otherwise Israel is getting rorted.

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

How can a case where this is so much public interest, and rightly so, be allowed to be determined confidentially? 😱

Whether they like it or not, this case sets precedents throughout broader society, and in the interests of a properly informed public in a democracy, the people ought to have a right to know!

Rugby AU and Israel Folau settle legal dispute

Look all I am saying is that as a business it is not making sense to have so many female commentators and can only deem they are there due to affirmative action. As a viewer I would happily pay an extra $10 a month to get the version of the broadcast without them. You do you Ethan, I will do me.

The National Rugby League chairman thinks five hours on a plane is too much

Yeah I think they used to play Kangaroo GB tests there occasionally in the 50s because it was always culturally more diverse than the Victorian monoculture in Adelaide and there was a junior league there or something.
Might be a realistic prospect of juniors coming through.

The National Rugby League chairman thinks five hours on a plane is too much

Yeah, don’t know who wrote this, but by the look of the photo he looks like the type of guy who was probably simulating beastiality on public statues when he was 22. Not a guy to take contract advice on for the limited time frame Latrell has to make a living as an athlete.

Bad advice? Too many cooks? Or maybe Latrell just needs to man up

The NRL has not really grown in 10 years. Time to look into why that might be.

1) Failure to engage with new Australians, or whatever you want to call immigrants from countries apart from the Pacific.

2) Too many female commentators, not enough Pacific Islander commentators. Affirmative action has crippled the commentary team. Female commentators have not brought a female audience with them. Most of them have no passion for the sport, memorise stupid, irrelevant things that they mention in their coverage and alienate the male audience. Yvette Sampson was ok. Have no idea where they all came from, but hope that they go soon. Would prefer Chinese Australian and and Indian Australian men who played the game as kids and genuinely have a passion for it if you are going to have commentators with non-NRL experience. Would take the game to a new audience as well. Too much toxic femininity and female entitlement at the moment.

3) Perth is a great idea for a team. City will have 2 million people soon and only only two professional football teams. Some realistic chance of developing locals long time, and would also mean the NRL television audience covers most of the Australian population.

4) Would like to see more promotion of the sport ontologically. Could be improved to reach new audiences as well.

The National Rugby League chairman thinks five hours on a plane is too much

Hey I would kind of like it if Australian batsmen all retired at 334 unless the match circumstances called for them to play on. Kind of like the comment someone made that they liked the twist that Paine liked Lara but hated Tubby and Bradman.

Tim Paine must go

And Vunivalu hasn’t been topping the try scoring list or doing things that require great ability

Confirmed: Storm star Vunivalu switching to rugby

There are better wingers playing fullback in the NRL. Temperamental at best. Great skills at times but not a star. Remember he was playing outside of Cronk when he scored all those tries. There is noone like Cronk playing in the Wallabies at the moment, so probably already played his best football at 24, not unlike a lot of wingers.

Confirmed: Storm star Vunivalu switching to rugby

What a strange list. The richest 2.5 billion people in the world probably could not even afford cricket bats, have no idea where they got that number from. There is only a bit more than a billion people on the subcontinent. Do not know how they got to 2.5 billion.

The death of active support will be the death of the A-League

“when the Church took the sciences under her wing, she demanded that the forms in which they moved be subjected to the same unconditioned faith in authority as were her own laws. And so it happened that scholasticism, far from freeing the human spirit, enchained it for many centuries to come, until the very possibility of free scientific research came to be doubted. At last, however, here too daylight broke, and mankind, reassured, determined to take advantage of its gifts and to create a knowledge of nature based on independent thought.” C G J J
Think of this in term of soccer enchaining physical endeavour in much of the world by the amount of capital it can earn and thus subordinating form unto it. But really, I am not interested in continuing this discussion… I hope you guys enjoy the A-League season and that goal has given me something to think about.

The death of active support will be the death of the A-League
