The Roar
The Roar

Patrick Jackson

Roar Rookie

Joined February 2022









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That’s the the thing – I have seen him play, many times, and I’ve also seen George Ford, Marcus Smith, Finn Russell and the other 6 nations’ 10’s. And Farrell just isn’t up there. And there are a lot of pundits who think the same. Also I think he knows it and his passionate desire to be the best is putting him under massive pressure. So it’s not surprising he’s stepped down from the 6 Nations next year when again he will be under scrutiny and compared with players who are more talented. However this is to take absolutely nothing away from his service and total commitment to English rugby over the years which has been outstanding.

'Warning was there': Owen Farrell makes surprising decision after 'appalling' 'absurd' treatment

Something nobody’s mentioned here is that despite what people say about him, he’s not actually that good a player. His passion, loyalty and will to win are beyond doubt, but those admirable qualities actually obscure the fact that he’s, well, really a bit of a plodder. The vest majority of the points he’s scored are not those of his own making : penalty goals, and conversions – the occasional drop goal and hardly any tries don’t really add up to a great deal. He’s pretty static, hardly ever runs with the ball, he wouldn’t know a step if he tripped on one. He does make well timed passes from time to time but his kicks to the wing are mostly not that well executed. In short he looks the part and and clearly motivated his team as captain. Maybe that’s all you need. But would he get into any Super Rugby team?

'Warning was there': Owen Farrell makes surprising decision after 'appalling' 'absurd' treatment
