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The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined December 2018









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American football at high school and College level generates enormous revenues (University of Texas USD 180 million ) and the growth of HS revenues is escalating. Junior and school rugby league remain separate entities and the Junior League has largely by tradition held to the Council boundaries of past decades. If There was to be a consideration of a separate entity the capacity of to grow rugby league extensively in the High school and University system would indeed be a challenge but one that must be an agenda item. Each of us who played all watched or have been a part of the game understand the contribution of volunteers of the game of rugby league beneath the Entertainment Industry that is the NRL. However with the New South Wales Rugby League and the Country Rugby league of New South Wales in discussion about one entity then there is opportune that one of these agenda items should be the future of rugby league in the schools system and that that of the Junior League. The recent loss in England of the Australian Schoolboys (0-2) Tests is indicative of England improving or Australia in decline.
Paul Broughton OAM

Let's just split the NRL from the game of rugby league
