The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined July 2023









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Is it concerning that the Rebels spent so heavily on player talent during the off-season with obvious knowledge of the dire financial situation? It must very unsettling for the players who have joined the Rebels for this season. Maybe they consciously went on a player spending spree as a strategy to place more barriers to the potential demise of the club or maybe it was boost outcomes in 2024 in a bid to attract funding and sponsorship. Either way is raises concerns about the integrity of organisational decision making and management. I hope they were upfront with the players, if not it will come back to bite then. I truly hope they flourish and fight their way out of this hole.

CONFIRMED: Rebels fall into voluntary administration as Rugby Australia seeks 'sustainable and successful future'

Great lessons can be learned from Rod MacQueen and I recall reading his biography, One Step Ahead. I recall the structures that he created on and off the field with Warringah Rugby, taking them from cellar dwellers in many grades to club champions and divisional premierships. He totally re-engineered the club from a business and playing perspective. He developed systems and processes across the club. The book is a blueprint of what is needed in Australian Rugby, albeit at a different level. We need innovative strategic thinkers as leaders within Rugby Australia and leaders with a clear vision. Rod Macqueen, we need you.

Why the Wallabies shouldn't miss out on the next Joey and try to lure Cleary for 2027 World Cup
