The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined July 2014







NM Roos supporter (since 1975). Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is The Present => A Gift!



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Oh dear me, Johnno! It is obviously a reflection of today’s society that the traditions of test cricket are lost to Gen Y.

Or is it because I’m a Baby Boomer myself?

To me, Test Cricket is meant to be the best, demonstrating the highest level of endurance and adaptability, within each team of 11-12 selected players, over a 5 day period, with all wearing white (to demonstrate the purity of the game & “equality” of players, whilst also best reflecting the hot summer sun in which the game is played).

1. There should be a “decider” in a test series (meaning play 3, or up to 5 matches), but this can be difficult to actually achieve when one of the aims of a losing side is to drag it out to a draw to stop a loss; Maybe this is what Gen Y cannot relate to – that there is not always a win or loss result, & unlike in AFL where both teams are trying their hardest to win (not draw) up to the last second, the intent of the team who will obviously lose is just to draw, which can sometimes be all the last couple of days are about.

2. I don’t think it would hurt the game to have the player’s name & country on the back of their WHITE shirt (as with many international sports competitions), as generally, spectators are more interested if they can get some sense of knowing the players (without having to ask a “stupid question” of someone who is well versed in the game & recognises everyone);

3. There is no need for night test cricket – it is surely enough that we can watch international telecasts live (at whatever hour of the day/night it is here);

4. The stated proposals of having set matches at set grounds with rivalry sound great – advertising agencies can do anything they put their minds to (as demonstrated on The Gruen Transfer, Gruen Planet, etc.) so they should be set to their task ASAP; However, including countries that are significantly weaker at cricket in regular tests would not bode well as the point is that they are not yet able to adequately compete at this level – perhaps having a World Cup Test Series of some kind every 5 years (along with Point 11) might assist by allowing a “new” cricketing nation 5 years to develop & if they prove themselves capable, they could be added to the following 4 year schedule.

5. I therefore agree with points 6, 7, 9, 10, 11.

6. I also agree with Stellenbosched re the less is more approach. Having 6 tests per summer per nation, (i.e. 3 matches vs 2 other nations), along with all the other forms of cricket, which then move on to the next summer period keeps our cricketers busy throughout the entire year & the fans awake for a minimum of 30 nights per 90 (season).

7. With the safety equipment they use now, I would find more bouncers exciting, but a bowler who has to use too many is not skilled enough at his art.

P.S. Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without the Boxing Day test!

Ahh, Utopia, lol!

11 things on my wish list for Test cricket

Well said Don!

I like the idea of Bomber continuing in the role for the rest of the year as he has done a great job & deserves to finish out the season; and for Hirdy to return to the club as soon as he is permitted to assist for preparations for next year.

It will be interesting to see if the role has brought Bomber back to a point where he wants to coach again & what he will therefore do next year, or when his contract expires with Ess.

Bombers behind Hird call says Myers

As a longtime supporter of NM Roos, I would love to see them play an extra game in Tassie & early in the season instead of so late (when it gets much colder here – in Tassie), so I like the proposal.

P.S. I thought it was almost a certainty that NM would get the Good Friday game vs Bulldogs, but am not really keen on the idea of Good Friday football. Probably only because there’s unlikely to be a game in Tassie & I wouldn’t want to pay the high prices for travelling & accommodation anywhere over Easter.

My proposal for Round 1 of the 2015 AFL season
