The Roar
The Roar

Ruff Rucker

Roar Rookie

Joined June 2021









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Marika was stationary when he copped the boot in the face. Making contact with the head is a red card nowadays. Nothing to redeem Barrett.

'We have to protect the game': Barrett's controversial red for face kick splits fans

Because he did nothing and tried nothing.

Wallabies DIY player ratings from Bledisloe 1: The results

Sounds like the comment of a one eyed Brumbies supporter.

Wallabies DIY player ratings from Bledisloe 1: The results

But it wasn’t foul play. MK tackled a player at chest level as he ducked forward. Contact with the head was accidental.

CLEARED! Koroibete set to face All Blacks as judiciary overthrows 'travesty'

The referee was pathetic but so was the Red’s tackling. They were still in the game with 20 to go but then Hegarty decided that he would give the ball back to the Canes at every opportunity. Jordy Barrett then cut them to shreds.
On another note I have had a gut full of whinging Brumbies fans who can’t get over the fact that they were second best this year. Blaming Berry and Murphy for their losses is pathetic at best.

Reds fail to make final-round statement
