The Roar
The Roar


Roar Rookie

Joined January 2019









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I remember at the start of novak’s career he started slowly, with similar talk of being a level below the champs. We now know what happened next. Some of these kids might not have it, but some may grow into it. Age is also not a separate issue to injuries, the injuries obtained by the older guys are often gained via age related means. Chasing tennis balls takes it out of you

Only injuries will end Federer, Nadal and Djokovic's dominance

Every team is going to wax and wane on account of the individual and collective contributions of team members, and also relative strength of the opposition.
I also would prefer my son to look up to the mens side and daughter the women’s side for inspiration. They play different games.

Why are Australian cricketers so uninspiring?

Why is it recent performances are given so much credit when determining how good someone is?
The oz bowlers don’t turn to rubbish just over the course of a series or even a year. Likewise, one series of great play does not define your overall status in the game when considering a career. All the best players have at some stage struggled.

Are Australia's bowlers overrated?
