The Roar
The Roar

Siege of Perth

Roar Rookie

Joined October 2012







From Perth, Follow the West Coast Eagles, Wildcats, Glory and Liverpool over in the EPL. 海賊王にオレはなる!



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Have enjoyed the wanders games ive seen so far, they are obviously severely lacking in goals, but the rest of their game looks good and ive got a good feeling their support wont drop off too much either. Western Sydney is great for aussie football and the A-League, great work by the FFA to ignore the doom and gloom and make the right decision.

Is Western Sydney struggling to stay a novelty?

Anyone over the age of 27 should not play in this game. Lets have a real look at the next generation and not just the 3 or 4 at the fringes of Holgers 1st choice selections. Lets get a team that can be competitive in Brasil, not just falling over the qualification line. Rather not make it then get thrashed 4+ goals every game.

Socceroos to play South Korea next month
