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Joined October 2012









ThomasCrown hasn't published any posts yet

Even though he has chosen the worst halfback in Wallaby history yet again in the 1st XV, i am happy he has pulled Kepu off the XV.

Wallabies team to play England named

Arrrgggggg , what is Phipps doing at 9? Deans is a mental case. Im sure Gill would mich better than Dennis. Im over it.

Wallabies team to play England named

I agree, the bench rotation was extremely poor against the french.

CAMPO: How much longer until Deans is gone?

So do you believe Dean’s selections and tactics are sound?

CAMPO: How much longer until Deans is gone?

Thanks Campo i love your articles. Im sure there are tons of ex Wallabies that feel the same way as you but dont have the guts to openly share there opinion.

CAMPO: How much longer until Deans is gone?

Cheers Schuey.

Wallabies serve up rubbish in Paris

“I remember a couple of years ago a number of superleague clubs took part in the Dubai 7′s and who can forget Benji and co who took part in touch rugby tournaments while been contracted to NRL clubs?”
They are not competing in the same market ffs, read the statement by the NRL.

Buderus, Bennett, Brumbies bummed by NRL

Mr Taylor – I hope you are not serious. If u are, i am putting a picture of Maafu or Fatcat Robinson playing the fast paced, high speed and skillful ball handling nature of sevens rugby. They can barely handle the speed and fitness of the 15 man code lol.

Buderus, Bennett, Brumbies bummed by NRL

Where in my post did i say i dont like it? You dont need to tell my mates/colleagues to bugger off because they have already done it lol. Seriously if that is your view on League i would suggest you actually watch the game with both eyes if you think its as simple as that. Dont kid yourself, the 1billion dollar deal is proof of its entertainment value and the ARU can only dream of having its stars defect to Rugby.

Wallabies serve up rubbish in Paris

What about Gill at 6? Too inexperienced you think?

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

” 5 seconds once the ball is available atthe back of the ruck is plenty of time.” Apparently not enough for Phipps, he probably needs 10 sec to figure out who to pass the ball to instead of passing it anywhere in the vicinity of the nearest bunch of players, or boarder line hospital passes to Beale or forwards lol.

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

Im a hardcore Leaguie that is relatively new to Rugby so can you tell me why when the Wlbys decide to go wide they just shovel the ball through the hands in hope of something happening despite the defense have numbers covered? From a Leaguies prospective the best way would be for the centres to collect numbers by threatening to take the line with running options around him to expose the holes created. I notice Genia is a genius at it and i dont know why the backs dont take his approach to attacking the line. Is there something i am missing tacticly in why they just pass it through the hands to get it to the wing as quick as possible without collecting numbers? I might sound naive but i would like to know the reason for this so it can stop driving me nuts and also so ive got an answer for my League mates who ask the same question, they all notice it. Ive asked this sereval times on roar with no answers.

Wallabies shirk collision and pay the price

Very dumb considering Higgers is serving a ban atm. Not 100% sure but i think he pick his number out for acting like a smart ar5e in the previous try which resulted in a little biffo, but not sure if he was the culprit though.

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

My team for England ( dont laugh as im a Leaguie who is relatively new to Rugby).
3.Alexander if fit
5.Timani or Douglas (im torn)
9.Sheehan but Burgess if permitted

21.Gill (really excited about his potential)
22.Phipps (or sheehan if Burgess was allowed to play)

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

Cummins ahead of AAC? AAC is our most consistant player and has cemented his spot in the 1st XV no matter who is available. Timani and Douglas is a hard one to choose from cause Douglas has been good for us and he is very strong in contact and never tapers off when times are tough or when our pack is getting dominated, but Timani has the experience and is a strong ball carrier.

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

I keep hearing all this talk of the defense evolving into a stronger unit, but it seems the evolution in attack isnt coming to fruition. As the defense in Rugby league evolved and got stronger and smarter so did the the attack which the NRL continues to prove. I barely ever see the Wallabies use the draw and pass to.cut defending numbers down which drives me nuts.

Wallabies shirk collision and pay the price

I got alot of leaguie mates and know many members from my Leagues club who gave the Wallabies and rugby a go since 2010 when a few of us started watching Wallaby games at the club and grew from there. we started averaging around 40 ppl who followed the code as a side interest from league and many stuck strong through the WC and after but annoyed at the constant stoppages. Anyway after the scotish game, the numbers were nearly chopped in half of guys watching the the club and the game yesterday had 8 of us watching it and those guys waited to see if the rule changes made a difference on the attack of the Wallabies and now have now thrown in the towel lol. They have Sack Deans or bring find a way to respark this team cause the numbers are dropping and alot of followers are also league supporters and its not a contest. Work mates in our VIC and QLd are reporting the same thing happening.

Wallabies serve up rubbish in Paris

Comeon the Simmons tackle wasnt that bad. The french landed horizontal on his back, the lift made it look worst as he was tipped over the.horizontal initially but landed more flat. desrved a penalty but not a match ban. I knew Spiro would just sing praise about the.French to mask the poor coaching of Deans.

SPIRO: Les Bleus give a rolled gold thrashing to the Wallabies

“Whatever happen to those tricky running ozzies that kept us guessing?” Deans opinion that tries dont matter and his terrible risk free defensive style tactics is what happened to our backline. Something need to be done cause this Wallabies team is making a mockery of Australian sports. Man i hate Deans

Wallabies smashed by France

My post from another blog.
Hail Robbie Deans, the best backs attacking coach in the world. He is so good that he believes he doesnt need to score tries to win.
Things i love about Deans
-I love how he doesnt bring Sheehan on after the worst international halfback has another shocker
– I love how he doesnt use the AFL resource in Aus even though we are shocking under the high ball
-I love the way he has developed the way the backline gives options for Beale by hitting lines
– I love his selection proccess and how he is so smart that noone knows the tactics behind his Genius selections
– I love the way he rewards shocking game with a starting spot in the next like he did with Kepu.
we give NZ Wayne Bennett for the League WC and NZ give us Deans for our rugby team. I dont know about you but as a Rugby fan, i feel ashamed to cheat NZ like that with an uneven swap bwahahahaaha. Anyway French deserved the win with such awesome dominance but i think that idiot Owens shadowed there victory but it was expected with all the NH refs being terrible.

Wallabies smashed by France

Well obviously i think we should give Sheehan a go at starting XV cause Phipps is killing us and his choice of runners and his passes are absolutely below international standard. I believe Gill is very under utilised and i believe Dave Dennis is a very poor choice and anyone can replace Kepu at starting XV. Its a worry if ppl think his selections are still questionable when we are so lean on player choice and depth. So you agree with my comments on the AFL,Sheehan,the backline and im sure you agree with my opinion on Deans poor selections, so where is this “awesome lack of analysis” you criticise me of posting??????

Wallabies vs Les Blues: European Tour live score updates

Did i say we would of won the game with the backline? i am just pointing out an obvious issue which has plagued our try scoring abilities and ability to make line breaks. So are you saying Deans selections has been sound this year? What stops Deans from getting an AFL player to come in and consult on taking a high ball? The ARU are just as worst as Deans.

Wallabies vs Les Blues: European Tour live score updates

Hail Robbie Deans, the best backs attacking coach in the world. He is so good that he believes he doesnt need to score tries to win.
Things i love about Deans
-I love how he doesnt bring Sheehan on after the worst international halfback has another shocker
– I love how he doesnt use the AFL resource in Aus even though we are shocking under the high ball
-I love the way he has developed the way the backline gives options for Beale by hitting lines
– I love his selection proccess and how he is so smart that noone knows the tactics behind his Genius selections
– I love the way he rewards shocking game with a starting spot in the next like he did with Kepu.
we give NZ Wayne Bennett for the League WC and NZ give us Deans for our rugby team. I dont know about you but as a Rugby fan, i feel ashamed to cheat NZ like that with an uneven swap bwahahahaaha.

Wallabies vs Les Blues: European Tour live score updates

P.tah i hope yo know i meant marching as in playing in place of the wallabies.

Wallabies vs Les Blues: European Tour live score updates

The Kangaroos league team can just keep giving penalties at scrum time but they will make it up by scoring tries and making tackles unlike this pathetic bunch under Deans..

Wallabies vs Les Blues: European Tour live score updates
